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Friday afternoon

Harley and i are sitting outside the school, discussing his multiple crushes. He gives me the daily update on all of them, honestly i find it amusing. How can he be interested in so many people?
The day has been pretty good, english class was nothing special. Mr Hayes didn't take one look in my direction and honestly it hurt but I couldn't show it.
I could tell he was avoiding me and i don't know why. What have I done?

"How do you feel about going to a party tonight?"
He pulls me out of my thoughts and I shake my head. Did I hear him right?

"" I give him a fake smile before standing up, trying to walk away from this discussion.

"Ely you're 18 years old and have never gotten drunk, you've also never been to a real house party. You need to start getting out there more." He pulls me back towards him, so i couldn't escape. I saw the desperation in his face. He really did want me to come.

It's true, i've never been to a real party. Purely because i was always afraid too. My old friends..weren't exactly good friends. They were fake and hated me behind my back. They had invited me to a party once and they embarrassed me in front of everyone. I've not been to a party since. And as for the drinking, that's also correct. People seem to do stupid stuff when drunk and i'd rather be the same. However, as much as i want to say no, he's right. I need to start living my life and partying is the first step.



It's now 7:30pm and Harley's picking me up soon. To say i'm nervous is an understatement. I'm literally shitting myself.

Getting ready was fun though, i put on a short tight dress that i had found at the bottom of my closet. It has thin straps and shows off my body perfectly. I straightened my hair before adding a little more makeup on then usual. And finally finishing the outfit with my black heels and a black jacket. As i take a moment too look at myself in the mirror, i couldn't help but smile.

I spent my life wearing joggers and jumpers, with messy hair and i always lacked confidence. But It's what i've always been comfortable with, and as you can tell. I don't like going outside of my comfort zone. But tonight i feel confident, I feel pretty...and a little sexy.

I hear Harley pull up outside so i leave, getting into his car. "Oh wow- you look..amazing."

I nudge him playfully and tell him a thank you before he starts driving. We listened to music and although i was still scared, i also felt excited. And a little proud of myself for finally doing this. This was a big step for me.

"We're here." he parks his car and i finally glimpse out the window. There was already empty cups scattered around on the grass. And i could hear the music from here. God it's loud.

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