I dont kiss and tell.

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It's been two weeks

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It's been two weeks.

Two weeks since i've seen him. Two weeks since i went into my english class. I've skipped them all, which is around 15 lessons in total. He's even tried messaging me twice about my whereabouts and why i haven't attended the classes or tutor lessons.

So you might be wondering why? why have i suddenly cut him off when I realised how badly I wanted him.

And the answer is because i'm afraid. And i'm hurt. I grew up reading love novels starting from the age of 6. They've always been my favourite.  Yet i've always known that 'happily ever afters' aren't real due to my parents marriage. It's all a lie. You like someone, trust them,  get attached, fall in love and then you get broken hearted. That's how it always goes.

He has a girlfriend as well which makes this situation even worse. The person I want for myself is already committed to somebody else.  To him, i'm nothing.

But i'm fine,  i'm better off without him.

No you're not.

I don't miss him.

Yes you do.

I roll my eyes at my self while still thinking about life recently.

Everyone can see I'm different at the moment. I hardly talk to my family and when I do it's blunt responses and whenever Harley and I talk , it's mainly him speaking and I do the listening. No matter how many times I get asked "are you ok?" I just reply with a nod. Luckily people don't tend to push me for my answers.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and my body jolts at the sudden shock. I take out my earphones and look up at the man standing next to me. This is unexpected.

"What do you want?" I sigh switching off my phone.

"You've been avoiding me Elyria." His voice was low and he sounded...sad? No can't be.

"Why do you care?" I stand up, starting to walk away but I feel a firm grip on my wrist, making me come to a halt.

As I turn back towards him I finally take a moment to look at his face clearly. I feel my heart begin to race as I take the sight in. Mr Hayes looks so different. He looks paler than usual, his eyes are droopy and show nothing but exhaustion. As well as the obvious bags under his eyes. Did I do that to him? Nope definitely not.

"I've been worried sick about you!" He yells at me which startles me a little yet I pretend it has no effect.

I scoff and roll my eyes which only makes his grip on my wrist tighter. "What did I do?"

"What did you do?" I reply, following with a sarcastic laugh.

"Yes. I thought we solved things..I thought we were fine."

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