Epilogue: Together, they are infinite

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A katana with a white and red handle appeared in front of Makoto. He then grabbed it and sighed. Seishiro already finished regenerating and he grew a crystal armor which made his body no longer look naked.

"Should I unsheathe this and test if it works?" Makoto asked.

"NO!" everyone else shouted and Makoto shrugged as the katana disappeared.

The earth was shaking and cracks were appearing in the sky. Elcared snapped his fingers and a square barrier surrounded them. Several runes and magic circles hovered around him as he looked at them.

"Pretty fun fighting ourselves, right?" Seishiro asked.

"Yes. I have seen my flaws and I shall do my best to fix them in order to enforce True Justice", Kensei nodded.

"Come on. Your flaws are what makes you lovable, Kensei! Gap moe is a thing, you know? If girls find out that the just and righteous Judgment Angel is a sadistic jerk, you'll get a lot of fangirls!" Kisuke patted his back.

"I... You are not wrong."

"Also, Fifty Shades of Kensei would be a fun movie", Makoto snickered.

"I shall do my best to fix myself."

"A movie about sadistic Kenken is something I'll watch!" Seishiro laughed.

"A young angel who gets noticed by the CEO—errrmm- Judgment Angel and becomes his lover and partner in bed.... I could write that", Makoto nodded.

"Don't forget the scene where the Judgment Angel will get angry and punch the wall cause his lover got hurt", Kisuke gave a thumbs up.

"Oh! Oh! How about a scene where Kenken will force himself on the girl and she'll go 'This is wrong. My mind is rejecting him but my body is accepting him!' That will definitely sell!" Seishiro's eyes beamed.

"I don't do smuts anymore", Makoto shook his head.

"We already have resources. We can just hire a writer to do it for us! I know some good people out there", Kisuke said.

"Oh come on! Why'd you guys have to do me dirty like that?!" Kensei glared at them.

"Oh? Kenken finally dropped the formal speech! You mad?" Seishiro grinned.

"Shut it! If you're going to do it, then I'll also hire writers to make embarrassing stories about you guys!"

"Here's a better idea! Why don't we hold a contest open for writers and have rewards for the winners? It's boring to just read a good writer making an embarrassing story. Let's cringe from the stories amateur writers made!" Kisuke rubbed his chin.

"Masa approves", Makoto said.

"It's unfair! No one knows Masamasa so his stories will be fewer! I'll definitely get lots of cringe stories since I'm a popular hero who has several movies and is praised by the public!" Seishiro complained.

"Humble bragging now, huh?" Kisuke asked.

"It can't be helped that no one appreciates the Devil", Kensei shrugged.

"I'll definitely tell the public about your sadistic side."

"Then I'll also tell the public about your unconditional love for Angelica."

"Hmmm... I wonder which people will like more? An angel with an unexpected sadistic side... Or a devil with a hidden wholesome side?" Makoto asked.

"If your identity wasn't a secret, we would've revealed your embarrassing sides, especially your angst as a shorty", Kisuke said.

"The world will be seriously shocked if they find out that the mysterious Masato is just a shorty with anger issues", Kensei added.

Ashura appeared and Makoto grabbed it.

"For some reason, I feel like unsheathing Ashura", he had a scary smile.

"We're sorry!" the two of them bowed down.

They then chuckled. Meanwhile, Solen was watching them silently.

He heard stories about the Infinite Pentagram and how they were responsible for keeping the world safe. But seeing them like that made him think that they weren't just unreachable and powerful guardians, they were also a group of friends who had the same goal. And while they tease and bully each other, they have unconditional trust and together, they could beat anyone, even their own abilities.

Will I have something like that someday? Solen thought.

The earth shook once more and more cracks appeared in the sky. The winds blew erratically and bolts of white sparks appeared here and there.

"What's wrong, Elcared?" Makoto asked.

"It's... This Falsified Domain is too powerful. It also used concepts that I never even thought of. I would spend time analyzing but I can't maintain this even if I'm at full capacity. I have no other choice but to let this collapse", Elcared answered.

"Someone is better at magic than Eruru?" Seishiro looked serious.

"From an initial glance, yeah."

"Is it an enemy?" Kensei asked.

"I'm pretty sure trapping all of us in a Falsified Domain and forcing us to fight our own abilities is not a friendly thing to do", Kisuke said.

"Enemy or not... There's only one thing we can do", the magic circles and runes around Elcared disappeared.

"And that's to move forward", Makoto grinned.

"Cause that's how we roll!" the five of them nodded after saying those words in unison.


Meanwhile, a black-haired elf wearing a red coat was sitting down at the corner of a cafe. He finished drinking his green tea and then sighed.

"So they survived. I should've expected that. Falsified Domains are a cool type of magic but it seems to be unique to this world only. Out of all the worlds I've seen, this was kinda more fun", he said.

Two young men approached him and looked nervous. He looked at them and waited for them to tell their business.

"Umm! Archmage Elcared! C-Can we have your autograph?!" they bowed down as they showed a blank whiteboard.

It seems I'm also well-liked in this world, Elcared (???) thought.

He moved his fingers and glowing letters appeared on the whiteboard and formed his name.

"Hope you're satisfied with that", he smiled and walked out of the cafe.

Elcared (???) noticed the stares of the people. Most of them were in awe of him and some even made respectful bows when he looked at them.

In this world, we're the Infinite Pentagram who keeps everyone safe. I'm supposed to be the Archmage who advanced magical knowledge, he thought.

He then snapped his fingers and a portal appeared. While this world had an interesting concept of a Falsified Domain and had potential to be fun, it was still disappointing for him.

This world's Elcared is just plain boring! He had like three years but he didn't advance knowledge enough! I observed him and he couldn't understand how I made a Falsified Domain like that! He's too boring!

Elcared (???) walked towards the portal and stared back at the world.

"If I were you, I would've let some of them die. The question "What happens to the ability if the original dies?" should've enticed you to experiment. I'm disappointed in you, Elcared", he shook his head.

What's wrong with you?! Why did you cast that spell?! How could you do something like that?! ELCARED!!! Masato's angry face appeared in his mind.

"To advance knowledge", he said the words he replied back when that incident happened.

The portal closed and Elcared (???) never returned to that boring world again.

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