Chapter 3: At the usual place

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Ever since he became the new Devil and reformed Hell, Kisuke never had much action on the field. He spent his days managing Hell and facilitating the rowdy devils. When he's not working in Hell, he would do his duty as one of the Infinite Pentagram and devise strategies and solutions to the major problems in the world.

That was why he was surprised to find himself in a Falsified Domain that was a replica of his town, Shizumori City. He first checked his reflection in a nearby window and saw that he was the same green-haired man wearing an expensive black suit.

No... Something is missing, he shook his head.

He looked at his index finger and nothing happened. Crimson flames should appear but despite his efforts, he couldn't even summon a spark. Not only that, he couldn't use any of his abilities such as summoning his familiar and creating a contract.

"First things first, I need information. I know too little to devise a way out of this place. Without my abilities or any manpower, can I even do this?" he muttered.

A chill ran down his spine which was a feeling he never thought he would experience again. Kisuke turned around and instinctively threw a punch. While he felt that he hit something, he had no idea what it was since he also got hit.

Kisuke composed himself and readied for battle. However, he immediately relaxed after seeing the attacker.

"Ah~~~ A classic punch feels more painful than usual! This is amazing!!" a man with long white hair exclaimed.

"The hell are you doing, Seishiro?" Kisuke asked.

The man had long white hair and red eyes. His attire was similar to a straitjacket but it had several stitches. Despite that weird appearance, he was the Immortal Hero, Seishiro Kouji.

"Nice to see you too, Kisukisu!" he grinned.

Kisuke sighed but deep down inside, he was relieved. On his own, he wasn't a decent fighter, especially since he lost his abilities. Since Seishiro was around, he had manpower.

"Hey, Seishiro. Did you lose your abilities too?" Kisuke asked.

Seishiro smirked and showed his finger which was bleeding. Kisuke's fears became true and he sighed because the situation became difficult to solve once more. But now that he had extra hands, his options were more flexible.

"I'm finally finally killable!!! Normally, when I get cut or punched, the pain is temporary cause my body just heals itself! Damn!! Lingering pain like this is pumping me up! Hey, Kisukisu! Did you cook up a contract and made me like this? Although I would like it if you gave me a heads up first. I have to go to an idol meet and greet tomorrow before heading off to the Middle East and kill some terrorists!" he beamed.

"I hate to break it to you but I also lost my powers. I can't even summon Angelica or produce a small flame", Kisuke said.

"That's a bummer. I guess I'll die right now while I'm killable! Any suggestions on a good way to go out?!"

"With the options we have right now, falling from a high building will suffice. Since this is Shizumori City, maybe Hishizu Tower is enough."

"That's boring! There are many suicides by falling and I don't wanna go out like that. I would prefer being strangled but in that case, I want a beautiful woman to do it. It would be better than possibly making things sexual with a dude if I were going to make you do it."

"I also wouldn't do it since I don't want to get my hands dirty again. I'm the Devil. I'll let others do it whether they want to or not."

"Bummer. Anyways, this is Shizumori City!! Man~~ This takes me back! Seeing a quiet and peaceful city like this is way better now that I spent months in battlefields already!"

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