Chapter 9

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The Legend of Spyro

Dark Ages

Path of Legend

Chapter 9

A/N: Well, looks like to me that this two part series is really good in my eyes.

Also, I would like to thank Dragon-Uprising for doing a n awesome job with helping me out in my first book. This has been fun making books of what I truly love. Anyways, on with the story! I'm cutting it to just Chapter nine I'm done after this one is published.

"Malefor, I have helped you try to get rid of zese damned bastards for over a period of 2 weeks, your plans have failed and will always keep on failing! Samantha said enraged, she didn't like the fact of having to be under Malefor's rule.

"Listen here you little insect, I have been trying to kill the purple brat and his companions for far too long, If you won't help me you will die with them!" Malefor bared his teeth at Samantha. Samantha saw this as a threat and summoned her hounds. Malefor was furious and killed her two beloved puppies. "You killed mien puppies, but zhere is more where zat came from." 4 more spawned and attacked Malefor. He killed those ones too, no blood involved. "Zat is it, I'm done verking for you Malefor, and it's over!" Samantha said. She walked out furious. "Where do you think you're going?" Malefor said. "Come back here." He went after her. Samantha threw up a shield full of Element 115. "You cannot break this shield even if you tried." Samantha taunted. "Vhere am I going you ask?" "It's none of your business vhere I am going, Malefor."


At Griffin Station, Richtofen was trying to hack into the computer that had the launch mechanism to blow up the earth. "Ve have to do something, Dempsey try to stop Richtofen from hacking into ze computer. So Dempsey tried to stop him but it was too late. The missiles hit earth and everything was lost.

(End of Flashback)


(Gotta Stay Fly- Ace Combat Assault Horizon)

Well Shifter was in the mood to sing and but he rapped this song, who knew dragons could rap. Well he was the only one who could rap.

Gotta stay fly! Gotta stay strong!

Ace ready! All day long!

Ain't no hiding from us in this big blue sky

My boys be comin' for ya from the left and from the right

Not just pilots, call us riots

Like an eagle spittin' fire

Turn around my boys behind ya

Chase you down, down to the wire

Achieving every victory written down in history

This mission is the vision, so just listen, listen

Gotta stay fly! Gotta stay strong!

Ace ready! All day long!

Gotta stay fly! Gotta stay strong!

Ace ready! All day long!

Once we been betrayed

There ain't no looking back

Get ready for this raid because we are ready to attack

Got the glory, got the guts

We ate up, straight up, dangerous

Face to face to us

You got no aim on us

Once there was a time

Spyro: Path of Legend (Sequel to Dark Ages)Where stories live. Discover now