Chapter 4

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The Legend of Spyro

Dark Ages

Path of Legend

Chapter 4

Author's Note: Let's hope that I can get going with having my chapters done on a weekly schedule. Before I say anything more, I am really worried my last book only has 2 Reviews. If you would be kind enough to take some time out of your day to read and review that would be great. Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

"My name is Drake, I am a descendant of the five dragon gods, that can control five elements. One of them being Life." Drake said. He looked at the black dragoness that lay there motionless. "I have been watching all of you and this disaster should not have happened." "Don't say anything because I already know what happened, she has been bitten and she is almost at the brink of death, I can help you because I have the element of Life. Drake knelt down beside Cynder and healed her wound and gave her a special kind of gem, a spirit gem even though there is another kind of spirit gem, the kind that is purple or blue this one is clear as a diamond. She jumped up and looked around no zombies were around her. "S-S-Spyro?" Cynder said, she tried to believe it was him, and it was. Spyro went up to her tears of joy were streaming down his face. "Thank the Ancestors you're alive." "Thank you Drake for helping revive her, I don't know what to do if she-" Spyro stopped in mid sentence and tried to fight back the tears.

"Don't mention it." Drake said. "If you don't mind me asking but who are you?"

"I'm Spyro and the one you saved is Cynder." Spyro said. "Ok, who is this?" Drake gestured to the gold dragoness. "Oh pardon me that would be Alexandra, Shifter's sister."

Alexandra shook paws with Drake. "Nice to meet your acquaintance my lady." Drake said with a bow.

Alexandra took off flying to Warfang to checkup on her brother when

the sun was just starting to set.

"Why don't we head back Drake, it's getting dark out." Spyro suggested.

"Agreed, we wouldn't want anything following us." Drake commented.

There was a cemetery some 10 yards in front of them. Just as they headed back, a hand broke through the surface, then dozens more and then several heads popped up. Then there were moans and groans, but Spyro and Cynder noticed Drake missing and they were unaware of the zombies, "Is this an illusion that Drake made up!" Spyro thought. Drake had vanished ( Remember after the campaign mission in Vorkuta in COD Black Ops, Viktor Reznov was an illusion in Mason's mind).

"Ok that was weird." Cynder said. "Something's not right Cynder." Spyro said, he had a worried look on his face. Then they heard tons of moans and groans. "Aw, come on" Cynder was the first to say this, "You know what whatever, RUN!" Spyro was chasing after Cynder to get to Warfang. "Spyro why is the moon already up?" Spyro noticed the moon, and indeed it was up. "My guess is they want us dead very quick and die a painful one too." Just then 6 hellhounds appeared from orbs of electricity right in front of them but these one were alot tougher and harder to kill only two shots can bring them down, but how many shots with elements? Well they would have to find out for themselves.

"You know what we can fly to get away from them Spyro." Cynder said triumphantly.

"Cynder you're a genius." Spyro said, smiling at Cynder for her being so wise.

"I have my moments." Cynder said. But what they didn't know was when they returned from the plains zombies were going to make sure that when they landed they would kill them. Well that didn't last for so long because the zombies gave up and left them alone.

Spyro and Cynder told Dempsey later on that night in the grand hall (you know where Spyro and Cynders' rooms are?) what happened with Cynder and how this one lone dragon saved his life, Spyro said that a descendant from the dragon gods came and healed her. Dempsey had laughed at this and said to the both of them "Yeah right and you'd think that a Descendant from the dragon gods is going to pay me a visit." Just then the same dragon that appeared in front of Cynder also appeared right in front of Dempsey.

He looked behind him, "Holy shit balls!" He quickly hid under his bed. "I did not expect to see him there." "H-Hi, I'm Dempsey and you are most likely dead," he said as he waved his hand in front of the dragon's face and put his hand through him. "Ok if he's a ghost that's bad ass." But as quickly the dragon came he vanished, AGAIN! "Hey Nikolai, I need some of your vodka for my hallucinations." "DA, coming right up Dempsey." Nikolai called he brought 2 bottles of vodka with him, within minutes they were singing 99 bottles of vodka. They had to eventually go to sleep.

The next morning, everyone was put on high alert as the zombies once again had attacked. If they are all going to just defend Warfang for the rest of their days they are gravely mistaken. "Alright, everyone we have to defend Warfang again." Dempsey said. "You know what, we need some heavy artillery; you got anything that can blow up large amounts of enemies?" Everyone was thinking really hard. They didn't realize at that moment but there was something that they could use. "The Dragon Cannon" Everyone said. By then they later realized that it was damaged from the last siege Malefor planned on them. All of their hopes died, because of the fact that there was nothing to use.

"Well at least we can still fight with our elements and the fact that we have each other as friends and family, well sort of." Shifter said. "What we need is to kill all of them quickly and efficiently.

Alexandra took off after Shifter said that. She had a score to settle, there was no use running or hiding. Everyone followed suit so they went out onto the plains once again to fight. But there was a screech, eventually everyone saw what they were looking at. It was Hunter's falcon and it swooped down to drop a letter down into Dempsey's hands. Dempsey read it aloud to everyone. The message said this: Dear Spyro and Cynder, we have heard the news of the guardians and Hunter being killed by the grublins and orcs we are terribly sorry for your losses, there are more pressing matters at hand. There are these strange creatures that now roam the valley you must hurry we are in need of your assistance.

Sincerely, Prowlus

Chief of Avalar Valley

"Why does this have to get any worse?, I mean look at all of us." "Wenow have to travel to Avalar Valley to help them out now." "And if we don't get back soon then Malefor and Samantha will take over Warfang and eventually rule the entire Dragon Realms." Vexx said.

"He is right comrades, I agree we leave now." Seraphym said.

"Alright, we each have to go into groups of 2. Cynder you're with me, Vexx can go with Julia, Shifter go with your sister, Dempsey go with Nikolai, seeing as how you and Richtofen don't get along very well and last but not least-" Spyro stopped in mid sentence as he was trying to think. "Well there is no one else." "Everyone must stick with their partner at all times you must not break apart or else you'll die alone." "Does everyone understand me?" "Yes we heard you" one of them said. "Good now let's go." Spyro said.

They were now on there way to Avalar valley to help their allies in need. It would take them about an hour to get to Avalar Valley,with them seeing the secret entrance to the Valley a cave with a paw print on it.

Author's Note: This was a short chapter I must say. But like I said before please read and review it would totally make my day a whole lot easier, anyways until next time awesome readers, SpyroAndCynderFan48

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