Chapter 8

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The Legend of Spyro

Dark Ages

Path of Legend

Chapter 8

A/N: Hey guys a very important announcement. I have not told you this I was in a cast for two months now going on three months. The doctors say that my wrist is healing that's good. I hope everyone is taking their time to PM me about what they want to hear from me or about any thoughts, anyways two more chapters left until this book is done. Check out my other book it is the first Ace Combat fanfic crossed over with Spyro. Enjoy the story!

(Xandria- Nightfall)

There was an eerie silence throughout the whole city of Warfang; everyone was taking a well-deserved sleep. That is until there was a siren blaring. Dempsey woke up groggily "Oh come on where I'm from, sirens are never good news." Dempsey replied. Zombies were going to attack Warfang again. "Come on, can ve at least get some sleep around here?!" Richtofen yelled. "Just what the heck is happening, is it time for training?" Alexandra said. Everyone was up except Julia. "Spyro where's Julia?" Cynder said, she was unusually worried nowadays, is there something that everyone is not telling her or is it something else? "I don't know Cynder; wherever she might be let's hope she is ok." Spyro said, trying to reassure Cynder. "Shifter, Alexandra, can you check on Julia to see if she is in her room?" Spyro said. "Yes, we can do that." Shifter said. "C'mon sis, let's go." Everything was dark, they couldn't see a thing but not for long. I don't know how she managed to make anything bright around them with shadow fire but it worked. They heard a scream and then everything went quiet. "What was that?" Alexandra asked.

Shifter realized who it was "JULIA!" "Cynder, everyone it came from Julia's room were going to investigate. "Hurry back you two, we don't have time for this." Cynder said.

When Alexandra was in Julia's bedroom, luckily there was a lamp because after she lit the lamp, it was a horrific scene; looking at Julia's bed there was a big tear in her cushions and on her bed sheets there were blood streaks. She looked towards the right side of Julia's bed. She froze when she saw Julia's body lying on the floor with a huge pool of blood, scratch marks on her neck and torso, as well as a bite mark. "Oh no" she started to cry. "JULIA!" she screamed. Alexandra realized at that exact moment she was dead. Shifter came in and saw what his sister was looking at. He was saddened that there was nothing they could do for Julia. "NOO!" she screamed. Shifter tried to get Alexandra out of the room, but Alexandra tried to get to Julia. "Let go Shifter, let go, we can't leave her here." Shifter and Alexandra came back and saw that everyone was in the Dragon temple. Spyro was happy to see them back, but his smile faded when he found Julia not there. Shifter and Alexandra were very distraught. "Shifter, Alexandra where is Julia?" Spyro said. Alexandra started to cry, but told him anyways. "Remember the scream we all heard, well I went into Julia's room and-" she couldn't continue speaking. Shifter had to tell them in three words. "Spyro she's- she's dead." Cynder broke down into tears. "Who did this to her?" Shifter thought long and hard. "As we were leaving I saw a dead hellhound." Shifter said.

Alexandra was standing there completely unaware of what is happening.


Alexandra and her "buddies" were getting into some trouble 5 of them in total.

There was something said about Alexandra and her family about how her family doesn't love her. Alexandra was getting really angry and went on a rampage killing the dragons that were causing all the trouble. Just then a lone dragoness came swooping in and landed right in front of Alexandra. Alexandra's 5 friends were about to attack the dragoness that was in front of her. "No stop, don't kill her." Alexandra said. But too late they weren't listening. So Alexandra jumped in front of the dragoness and took the beatings that were supposed to be for the dragoness. The dragoness was shocked at finding that this dragoness was rescuing her. Enough was enough; the dragoness unleashed a fury so devastating that it left either broken bones or wounds. The 5 dragons scampered away, leaving the 2 dragoness' alone. But that was years back before she even recognized the dragoness.

"Are you ok?" the dragoness asked. Alexandra nodded. "Here let me help you." After the dragoness helped Alexandra up on her feet she continued to speak. "You took all of those beatings just for me; you saved my life, thank-you." "I'm Julia by the way." Julia said. And Alexandra gave a warm smile and said. "My name is Alexandra." "I came to give you very grave news." Julia said. Alexandra didn't really know what was happening.

"And what might that be?" Alexandra said. "You're parents are both dead." Alexandra's smile faded into a frown. She also started to cry. "Hey, it's ok everyone has to die one day." "Shhhh, it's ok, you have me by your side I'll take care of you." Julia said. Alexandra stopped crying and said "Thank-you."

(End of Flashback)

Alexandra didn't realize that her brother was trying to snap her out of her trance.

"Alexandra, Alexandra can you hear me?" As soon as Shifter said "can you hear me?" she snapped back to reality. "Huh?" "What was that?" Alexandra said confused. Shifter tapped lightly on her cheek. "C'mon pay attention." Shifter said. She had stopped crying.

"We have to get going or else the zombies and hellhounds are going to tear us apart just like that one hellhound did with Julia." Dempsey said. "Dempsey to make sure we don't have Julia trying to kill us can you-" Spyro didn't need to finish his sentence. "Yes I will do that." Dempsey said. As Dempsey walked down to Julia's room they heard a crack and an unholy scream. "Die again bone bag." There was another crack then another. Dempsey came out with blood on his jacket. "It's done she won't harm us."

She missed Julia and couldn't fathom that she was indeed gone. But she had a job to do.

Zombies and hellhounds started to pour through the city gates because some lone bastard kept them unlocked (all signs pointed to one man: Richtofen). Richtofen once again made a terrible mistake.

All the zombies were very strong and at this point Spyro and the team are almost overwhelmed. Shifter being a dark dragon took his time in creating a new power, Poison acid fire bomb, like the semtex grenade the poison sticks to its enemies eating away a hole the size of a baseball, and then the fire burns its victims then explodes.

So Shifter put his new element to good use and killed up to 50 zombies in a single blast radius. "Raziel lets see what you could do." Cynder said. Her favorite element is Emerald ice. Raziel has a British accent and is really good at evading. So Raziel went to work she used her emerald ice breath like a Gatling gun. She killed off 70 zombies in just under a minute. It was dawn by the time the battle was done.

A/N: This chapter was a bit different than I expected. 1 chapter to go after chapter nine. Will this be the end of Spyro and his team?

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