Chapter 5

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The Legend Of Spyro

Dark Ages

Path of Legend

Chapter 5

Author's note: Now before I begin, I have to tell you something, now's the time to say any comment or review is appreciated. And please, I need people to start PMing me or reviewing on how to make the story better, and I know for a fact that people like Metallica. That is all. Enjoy the chapter.

(Starset - It Has Begun)

They have exited the cave entrance and they were looking at the beautiful scenery of Avalar Valley. They went exploring at bit before they were to go and help Chief Prowlus out. But something caught Shifter's eye. "Ok things just got a whole lot weirder!" Shifter said. They had to go into the cave where Meadow was captured. But as Shifter got closer to what he discovered, it was a bow and there was a bloody hand print beside it on a wall, as well as a skeleton of a cheetah. "HOLY SHIT!" Shifter screamed. He back away from the skeleton. Spyro went up to the skeleton and then inspected the bloody hand print. "Dempsey, do you know why they are killing all of them?" Spyro said, with concern in his voice.

"Spyro, listen to me, all of you as well." Dempsey said sternly. "We do not know why the zombies are killing everyone but, that bloody hand print on the wall is telling us something."

Cynder was really worried and asked "Wh-what is it trying to tell us?" That we all came here to our doom and that we will all die?"

Dempsey had to make them understand that they will all not die.

"Fuck no, why stay here when we can be out in the daylight helping out your friends, they are the ones in trouble not us."

"Spyro" Shifter called out to them, he was at the entrance to the cave. "If we want to help them then now is the time." Seraphym had gone back into the cave entrance to return to Warfang, they did not know why but left them there. They were heading to the cheetah village to help their friends. But when they got there they seen corpses everywhere. They even seen zombies eating some of the dead corpses, but as they got closer they recognized the ones they came to help but failed, the limp corpses of Prowlus and Meadow. They were shocked, "Oh No",Cynder said, she was tearing up at the horrible sight and turned away to Spyro who buried her head into his chest. They couldn't bear it, nobody could. "Why is this world all of a sudden filled with corruption and chaos?" Spyro said. Cynder was done crying. There was nothing for them to do, but Dempsey had something else in mind.

He had four grenades in his hand, and threw them one by one, then 2 seconds later explosions could be heard with blood and bits of matter splattering everywhere nothing was left of the zombies.

Cynder was the unlucky one for she got covered in it. "My beautiful scales" she said, so she tried to lick herself clean.

"Cynder that's really not a good idea, if you lick yourself clean and end up accidentally swallowing, you're dead." "Go clean yourself up in the river, take it from me the rain washed it away so now my scales are now clean." Spyro said. So Cynder took Spyro's warning and jumped into the river to wash her clean. "So now what the hell do we do?" "Go back to Warfang so WE ALL GET KILLED?" Alexandra said she was very pissed.

As Cynder came back from washing her self clean she said to Alexandra "No, we are not going back." "If we go back, indeed we will all get killed." "Now is not the time to be stubborn." Vexx was inspecting one of the corpses at the time apparently it sprang to life! "Wh-Wh-What the hell is this?" "Now a cheetah is one of 'em." Vexx said, he coated his tail and paws again in flame and beat the zombie down. "STAY DOWN!" he wasn't liking the situation. Everyone look at Vexx thinking "Why does it always have to be up to us to fight these things?"Dempsey had with him his Barrett with him but it's on his back he grabbed a Desert Eagle aimed it at the cheetah-zombie but missed. "I always knew these things wouldn't do shit." He said. They had to make sure they secured the area before proceeding, eventually they did.

A/N: Like I said, I would really appreciate any comments or reviews to make this story better. Until next time, SpyroAndCynderFan48

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