Start from the beginning


"Hi." I barely whispered.

"Hi." He gave me the once-over quite obviously and I shifted uncomfortably.

"You look incredible."He complimented.

I shyed away.

I grabbed my coat, my wallet and phone and Harry followed behind me. Coming out of the house, Harry opened the passenger side door and stood beside his silver Audi R8.

Wow. Those with immaculate taste.

" Nice car." I complimented.

" Glad you like it , Marina." He spoke smoothly.

I sat myself inside the car and watched as Harry moved to the driver's side. Why did he move so gracefully?

It's unfair, how perfect he is.

When he was seated, he turned to me and asked :

" Ready?" I smiled.

" As I'll ever be." I responded trying to be sly. Harry laughed and started the car up.

Harry and I entered a fancy schmancy restaurant, that supringsly I've never heard of. The waiter immediately recognized Harry.

" Mr. Styles, your table awaits you and your guest." Harry nodded kindly and we were seated.

I looked over the menu and tried to find something that would satisfy my hunger. Hmm, chicken or pasta? I have to keep in mind to watch my figure.

Harry probably thinks I'm going to have a salad, ha!

" What are you having, Marina?" He pulled me straight out of my thoughts.

" I'm stumped between the chicken and pasta." I told him.

" Why don't you just get the chicken alfredo then? " He recommended.

" Why, didn't I think of that! You're a genuis Harry!" I gushed. He smiled proudly. Oh shit, I think I just boosted up his already massive ego.

Dinner went well. When we had finished eating our full-course meals, Harry asked me If I'd like dessert but, he asked it in a suggestive manner. I felt like he was asking to take me to his bed.

I ended up declining the dessert, only because I didn't want Harry do see me blow-up. Harry insisted I have some form of digestif with him before we parted ways, so I agreed on a cup of tea because I honestly did not trust myself around alcohol right now.

We walked out of the restaurant and I was feeling pretty cheap because Harry didn't let me pay a cent.

Gentleman or Control-freak?

Harry's car was parked on the otherside of the street so, being the dull girl I am decided to cross without checking for any passing cars which resulting in one almost hitting me.

Thank goodness for Harry, he pulled me back in the nick of time.

I was so humilated, this was our first date and I was so close to getting hit by a bloody car!

I looked up at Harry, and that's when I became aware of our close proximity. I was pressed to his chest so firmly. We stared at eachother deeply.

Brown to Green.

I've never noticed how beautiful his eyes were t'ill now.

Neither of us spoke, for once it didn't feel like an awkward silence, it was comfortable.

Our lips were inches away, I didn't have the courage to kiss him.

He was beautiful and I was graceless.

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