Chapter 44: Rescue Operation

Start from the beginning

Orchid had the spider clutched in her claws, covering her mouth preventing her from calling for help, although she doubted anyone would come to her rescue even if she could scream. Anyway, her goal was not to harm this girl, just to question her in the kindest way possible. So she slammed her against a wall and whispered against her ear.

"Tell me where the prison cells are."

"Ple... Ple... Please... Don't hurt me..."

"Just tell me where the prison cells are," she repeated calmly.

"I'm too young to die."

"You won't die, just tell me where the prisoners' cells are."

"Mom, sorry for not washing the dishes and taking the tiktik for a walk, waaaaaa."

Orchid hit her head in frustration, she was already losing patience with this weeping spider, her brilliant plan apparently was not as simple as she thought. It was then that she came up with an ingenious idea, a bit far-fetched but maybe it would work.

"Your mom is waiting for you."

"What? Where?"

"She is she in the prisoner's cells, tell me where it is so that we can go together."

"Sure! It is outside of town, in a secret tunnel behind a couple of silk wrapped rocks in the southern part of the lake."

"Perfect! Thanks." She let go of the spider and headed straight for the prission, although the spider was not happy.

"Wait! Take me with you! I want to see my mom! Mooooooom!"

Orchid reached her destination without problems, even in her drunkenness that spider gave very precise and easy-to-follow instructions. But she again faced an obstacle, the prison was guarded by guards who looked much more competent than the overlooker of the stag station. But Orchid was on another level, you couldn't compare a common arachnid with a lord, particularly one who had undergone such rigorous training as her.

Using her hunter stealth she knocked out the guards, she managed to sneak inside the compound and reach the cells. Most were unoccupied, but in the background, in the farthest cage of all, she could glimpse a male mantis.

The poor creature was desolate, his spirits were on the ground, it was obvious that no one had harmed him, he had no visible wounds or any marks of torture, Orchid was surprised that they were so kind to the prisoners, although she reconsidered her judgment when she noticed the mental state of the bug. What had they done to make him like this?

She carefully approached the cell and attracted his attention. The insect as soon as noticed his former leader ran to the bars to stick to them and see her better. His eyes must be deceiving him, that was impossible, of everything that could happen this was the most unexpected.

"Lord Orchid!" He exclaimed in joy and surprise.

"Shhhh, silence Cris, you're going to give us away."

Orchid knew this mantis, he was one of the most reserved members of the tribe, well known for his observation skills and the same one who had acted as judge in her confrontation against Deep Nest.

"I'm sorry my lord," this time he spoke in a whisper. "The surprise of finding you here was too great."

"Yes, I understand, this is certainly a very unusual situation."

"But now that you've come, everything will be fine. Come on, my lady! Take out all these weaklings and restore the honor of the tribe! May the arachnid blood paint these floors as a sign of its might and as a warning to all who dare to face the mantises."

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