Chapter 12: Mantis Talking

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For Hornet the trip in stag seemed eternal, although she had always considered that means of transport very comfortable and fast, the concern for her offspring left her hysterical. It was well known by all that it was not a good idea to move or handle the eggs too much, and now having to make such a long trip with them could be harmful, unfortunately the effects of this whole process would not know until the time of the hatching.

When finally Hornet and Quirrel arrived at the Queen station, to their surprise they found a party to receive them, which was headed no less than by the very queen Clare.

The spider sighed overwhelmed, she did not want to have so much attention on her, she just wanted to get to the archives quickly and accommodate her children, but unfortunately she could not despise the little root, at least she had to be polite and greet. If it had been for her, she would have kept the matter of the transfer of the eggs in complete secrecy, but since the place chosen to hide them was in Clare's territories, she was forced to ask for authorization. No one put any problem, even the root offered to protect the place within her limited possibilities, so Hornet was certain that her offspring would be welcome, but she was worried about everyone's excess of enthusiasm.

"Hornet!" Clare ran to hug the crossbreed effusively and Hornet returned the hug somewhat shyly.

Although at the beginning the queen was an apathetic and low expressive person, over time she had learned to manifest her emotions and be more affectionate, however, with certain people she had some problems to show closeness, Clare was one of them. She couldn't help the girl from reminding the late White Lady a lot, they were practically the same except that Clare had violet eyes instead of blue, and because the branches of her head instead of being withered were full of buds and little flowers. The White lady had been like a mother to Hornet and having this mother now become a little girl who need be taken care of was making her uncomfortable.

The other reason that made it difficult for her to show affection for the young lady was Dimityr, one of her most complicated sisters.

As always, this vessel was next to her queen, like an implacable shadow. She was a very tall girl, to the point that Hornet envied her. It seemed that of all the siblings she was the only one who had inherited the height of the Pale King, even Clare was almost as tall as she, although of course, as a root, when she was an adult she would have an impressive size.

The spider stared at Dimityr who watched her cautiously, as always.. Her elegant deer horns rose imposingly adding some extra height. Who did not know her could think she was a princess of that green kingdom, because the girl had mixed so well with the atmosphere and the locals that she had even acquired their habit of dressing with moss. Of course, since the moss did not grow naturally over her shell like in the mosskin, she had chosen to weave a cloak with silk, moss and flowers . Yes, she felt a great affinity for everything vegetable, Green Lands and the mosskin were her world and Clare her adoration, to the point of scratching on the obsessive.

And that was the problem with Dimityr, her hobby of being with Clare and taking everyone away from her made her annoying and intractable, she was a bit more permissive with her siblings but still seemed stressed every time they approached a distance "excessive" to the small root, in part this was one of the reasons why the two used to fight.

"Where are they?" The little root looked at her with her violet eyes brimming with emotion. "I want to see them! Ah! Quirrel has them."

Forgetting the spider queen completely, she ran to the pill bug and took a good look at the basket with the eggs, immediately Hornet stiffened. Then the little girl giving him her best tender look asked.

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