Chapter 33: Baby in Danger

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Quirrel looked apprehensively, or almost scared, at the baby in his arms. He almost felt that if he let her go, something horrible would happen to her. He was even tempted to take the girl to work, but even though Ren was quiet, her escape during the party in the White Palace had shown that she could get in troubles if she was left alone. She needed a safe place and someone to take care of her.

Close to him Hornet repeated to Ania for the fifth time the care she should have with the children. The maid was limited to nod in annoyance, she had practically memorized her instructions and was more than clear about what she should do, she did not reply just because she was the queen.

"Well, I think that's all, we'll be back in a few hours. Be good children" Hornet leaned down to hug and kiss her little ones, although as always Chester resisted "Little rascal, say goodbye to your mother."

His littleness could not compete against Hornet's strength and the boy was forced to receive the love of his mother and the teasing of his sister, who was very amused that he got angry when mother kissed him.

Then it was Ren's turn who rested calmly with her father, but with pleasure she went to her mother ready to take a nap in her arms, however this time that was not possible, because Hornet put her in Ania's arms, this change was not to the liking of the girl, who immediately showed her discontent.

"I'm sorry Ren, but this time you won't be able to take a nap with me, Mom has to go to work, but don't worry, Ania will take good care of you."

Ren still not old enough to understand what her mother was saying, she just looked at her with sad eyes. Her parents were heartbroken, but at that moment there was no other solution.

"Don't cry Ren, we'll be back soon and you'll have so much fun that time will fly by. See you later..."

"Goodbye children... take care." Quirrel's voice was extremely muffled.

The children hugged their father's legs worried that he was sad, the pill bug was forced to smile and bent down to hug and comfort them, he did not want to give them a bad time. After that, without saying anything else, he left with his wife. Once out of the house Hornet looked at Quirrel.

"Don't be like that, it will only be a few hours, they must also learn to have independence, we can't be so overprotective."

"You know it's not just to keep them away."

"Again with your distrust of Ania... They'll be fine! Besides, who else could take care of them. Hollow?"

"I even trust him or Clare more."

"Don't joke, Quirrel, let's go."

While the queen was present, Ania showed a sweet and kind smile and looked at the pill bug as she were the most adorable creature in the world. The drama classes she took in her youth had proven to be very helpful, even Quirrel might have been fooled if he hadn't suspected her. But that was just a role, a mask that the actor used to play for a moment to be someone else and as soon as the door of the house was closed, Ania's mask fell along with Ren.

The maid released the girl without the slightest consideration, fortunately the bugs in general are very resistant to falls, so she did not receive damage, but pain. She immediately started crying, but was quickly silenced by a blow from the maid.

"Hush brat, I don't want to hear your annoying squeals."

Ren was going to continue crying but another blow stopped her, after the third punishment she finally understood that while she was crying she would continue to suffer pain, so she kept silent. Her docile personality made her easily obey the instructions of others and if she had to remain silent without complaining, she would do so, she limited herself to shedding tears to express her pain.
Despite the short time they had been together, the siblings were already beginning to develop empathy and affection for each other. Pity and concern moved Silky to get closer to her sister, but her good intentions could not materialize because without prior notice she was held by Ania.

NeverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora