Chapter 36: The pain of the truth

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The situation she was in was strange to the ridiculous, it would never have occurred to Orchid to think of something like this. A saw had killed Hollow, a monster had appeared from perhaps where and now Big was defending this beast by calling it brother. What was happening? Had the world gone mad?

She took a couple of steps back, intimidated by Big's dazzling power, his kingly aura now displayed in all his splendor crushing her will and her mind. In her confused state she only managed to ask one thing.


The shadow behind the king looked at her with pitying eyes and tried to get closer, but a gesture from Big stopped HIM.

"This shadow is my brother, it's Hollow."Orchid showed an incredulous attitude. Had Big gone crazy over the death of his brother?

"That thing isn't Hollow..."

"Yes HE is, take a good look at him, it's what's hidden under his mask.


That word echoed in Orchid's mind. Did Hollow wear a mask?

Too affected by the shock, the mantis had only paid attention to the shadow, she could not even perceive where it came from and now that Big mentioned the mask, it occurred to her to look for the mortal remains of the knight. It didn't take long for her to find them under the monster, but the only thing there was was a mask split in two, there was no trace of a body, no legs, no piece of shell, it was as if it had evaporated. Then the truth finally managed to break through into her psyche, Hollow was indeed that shadow.

"It can't be... How... He..."

"This is our true nature, Orchid. This is what Hollow is, me and all our siblings."

"Do you have more siblings?"

"All the shadelings are siblings and we are like that."

This statement terrified Orchid, before, she already feared Hallownest's Heart for its military might, but now she had more reasons to be afraid. Not only did it have extraordinary knights of great talent and strength, it also had an army of immortal creatures, where even the most pathetic shadelings had an advantage over any normal creature, they could attack without ever getting tired or dying, they were indestructible enemies, battles impossible to win. Now her fight against Moon that she was so proud of seemed like a joke. What could she do against such a being? Or against Dimityr? Or against Hollow?

"You... You are monsters!" She screamed hysterically.

That was the answer Big was afraid to hear, if only things had been different he wouldn't have been forced to act that way. He took up battle stance and put his nail before him.

"You don't know how I sorry... I wish things had been different, I... I love you very much, but I will not risk my family for you, the happiness of my siblings comes first, and I will not let anyone, not even you damage them. Now you know the truth, you know what we are and if you can't see us as your friends, then you will be our enemy." He closed his eyes and a couple of dark tears fell. "I'm really sorry... It would have been so nice if you could be part of our family..."

The king raised his arm and the mantis braced herself for whatever was about to happen. The attack came unexpectedly, a tiny flash of light brighted in front of her eyes, it could have been an optical illusion, but something inside her told her that she should move away. Her instincts proved correct when an explosion of silver took over where she had been.

The noise was such that Chester who was contemplating the scene trembled with fear, even a couple of tears escaped from his eyes, but he was quickly comforted by his uncle who hugged him with his tentacles, that gave good results, as the child calmed down and continued to watch the battle.

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