Chapter 4: Confrontation

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Wherever Orchid went, whispers and hostile glances followed her. The discontent was tangible and the rejection indisputable, there was no longer respect for her in the tribe.

Given her pathetic performance during the duel against the Queen of the Deep Nest, Orchid was not surprised to be treated like this. If her leader had lost so shamefully for walking lost in reveries, she would react the same. However, although she justified her followers' behavior, she kept feeling annoyed at them.

Their disapproving looks irritated her. She was used to being admired and respected, she didn't tolerate their contempt. The worst part was that many nasty stories about her were spreading. There were a few who said that all she had achieved was thanks to her sisters, because as the three always fought together, they were responsible for supplying her weakness. How dare they! Apparently they did not remember that when the four (they had their brother in that time) challenged the previous leaders, later they fought among themselves to see who would be the undisputed leader. Their duel ended in a draw and therefore the four declared themselves Lords. Therefore, she was as strong as her sisters. They should not doubt her supremacy!

But she knew how things worked in the tribe, the leader was always under surveillance, always on trial to prove their power. In fact Orchid wondered when a challenger would appear to fight with her, she really wanted to kill someone and a good fight could do her good. Of course, she had full confidence in herself and doubted that someone would be able to defeat her. Perhaps Lavender's reproductive partner could pose some challenge, but she still felt superior.

However, she never expected that her sisters confront her.

"Orchid, along with Lily, we have been discussing it and we don't believe that you are in a position to continue exercising as Lord" the older sister said suddenly.

"What!? But why!?" The mantis showed a mixture of surprise and defiance in her eyes, even though she maintained her characteristic regal and elegant posture.

"Is it really necessary to ask?" Lily as always had that aggressive and unkind attitude.

"I know that during the fight against Queen Hornet I was not up to it. But I'm still strong! May any mantis of the tribe challenge me to a duel. They'll succumb to my power!"

"Orchid, we don't doubt your physical abilities" Lavender kept her tone serious and solemn. "What we question is your mental strength"

"Me-me, mental? There is nothing wrong in my mind!"

"Maybe not exactly in your mind, but in your..."

"Lily, don't be disrespectful!" Lavender rebuked her.

"Whatever." Lily resumed the word. "The thing is that during the fight, or rather during all of that boring meeting, all you did was stare at Hollow. And the looks you gave him were not of simple curiosity"

"What do you mean sister?" Orchid narrowed her eyes revealing a silent threat.

"You like that bug! You want him! But relationships with other species of bugs are taboo and you know it. You are disgusting!"

This aggressive statement ignited Orchid's fury, who threw herself against her sister with her spear ready to attack. Lily of course responded to her challenge in the same way and both mantis began an aggressive fight. However it is over as soon as it started, thanks to the timely intervention of Lavender, who was able to stop the sisters with a precise blockade.

"Enough!" The older sister shouted.

"But Lavender! Lily has offended me! I demand a duel!"

"You are not in a position to fight." Lavender spoke calmly. "But unlike Lily, I don't think you're so bad, it seems to me you're only confused"

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