Chapter 16: Cristal Peak

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That day, when Ania opened the door to the Queen's den and entered, she found Hornet waiting for her at the entrance with an expectant expression and quite uneasiness. She wasn't really surprised, after she'd made her send a certain letter, every morning when she came back from looking for the newspaper, she stood by the door with a look of expectation and concern and always asked her the same question.

"Has any letter come from King Big?"

"No my queen, there is no answer yet."

"But what the hell is going on! Big never takes so long to answer. It's been four days! Right now that I really need their help they don't give it. Damn!" She released her anger by kicking at a nearby chair.

"Maybe... He's been very busy," said the arachnid with some nervousness.

"With him that's not an excuse, because of the little he sleeps he has more time than most of the bugs. What's the problem with to take a few minutes to write me a few letters?"

"My queen, don't be upset, I don't think it's good for her health."

"I'm going to get angry If I want! This is urgent! My children are in danger! I don't want to live sick with worry thinking that any day they can be killed without any reason... It's over, I'm going to go to the castle myself". Hornet was beginning to walk toward the exit in fury when Ania stopped her.

"But Your Majesty... Do you remember that you must organize the budgets for public expenses of the next year? You do not have much time to deliver the report, if you go to the castle you will lose all afternoon".

"I don't care! My children are first!"

"But... What if it wasn't Big's fault?"

"What do you mean Ania?" Hornet looked at her suspiciously.

"If for some reason... The letter had not arrived... You would go to the castle to make a scandal for nothing and you would be tremendously embarrassed..."

"And why wouldn't the letter arrive? Do you know something that I don't?"

"Of course not my queen! I'm just shuffling all the possibilities, since you said it is very rare that Big does not answer, perhaps there is a reason for that".

"Are you suggesting that the mail service lost my letter?"

"Maybe?" Ania was getting more and more nervous, she didn't want to involve others in this problem.

Without saying a word, Hornet began to walk towards her office with heavy steps, smoke could almost be seen coming out of her head from the fury she was projecting.

"My lady... Where are you going?"

"To write another letter. Tomorrow I will leave it myself and I will take the identity of the postman and the deer that will transport them, of course I will also file a complaint with the post office. This is unacceptable!"

The maid could not reply to her words, the loss of the letter was her fault and she felt terrible that others had to pay for it, but if she told the truth, Hornet would get mad at her, maybe even fire her. She lowered her head and withdrew to continue with her cleaning tasks, hoping that everything would be solved in some way, the anguish killed her.


Beautiful crystals covered the walls of the cave that the knight and the mantis explored. It were bright, and of all possible shades of pink, some were even somewhat darker, almost purple in color.

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