Be Grateful: Yandere Partygoer X Reader Part 3

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                                                                   SMUT WARNING

"You're forgetting something, I can track your blood." That phrase. It kept ringing through my head. It's been a hot 5 minutes. The elevator isn't responding to your frantic self pressing the buttons, panicking. 'It's stuck.. Fuck.' Tears streamed down your face as you looked back at the mysterious man's head rolling around the elevator. You don't have any ideas on how to get out of this one. 'Wait..' You look up to see the vent that was a bit damaged and rusting. You don't have anything to use to break it since you were a bit weak. 'Unless..' Your horrified gaze was set upon the head.

"Oh my god. Gross.." You said as you grabbed the head, blood dripping down from the head on your clothes as you gag. Smells like pennies.. Yuck. You think the skull would be enough to break the vent, so it's better to try and just wait for the partygoer who's probably going to kill you. Putting your utmost effort, you smashed the head with force against the vent, making a clang sound. You sweat as you drop the head and break the rest of the vent that was weak enough to break with your fist. "Never doing that again.." You said as you crawled up from the vent and you now were in the exposed shaft. You look at the exposed cables and think that it would be hard to climb, but you were desperate so you had to do something. Both of your arms gripped the cable.

"Okay..",You pulled yourself up," This is easy-FUCKING GOD DAMNIT!" A sharp pain jolted from your arm, "CAN'T I GET A FUCKING BREAK? I can't do this, oh my god." Raging, you look at your arm, which has a nasty gash. It's purple and bleeding. You hear a bang against the elevator door, making your adrenaline just more intense. You quickly rip a stubborn piece of your top off with your teeth, ugh, this needs to be quick. You swiftly wrap your arm while the clothing bleeds in with the blood.

Okay, you wrapped it tight. You grip the cable as you start climbing fast while your adrenaline pumps. Your arm fucking stings right now, but the adrenaline covered it. You suddenly wince, look down at the loud crank you had heard below. Your eyes grew wide as you looked at the partygoer. He was looking at you as he crawled out of the vent, breaking the vent more than it needed to. Oh my shit. Now he's climbing the cables too. Not this chase thing again. You start to climb faster, putting your best efforts to get the fuck away from him.

Hearing a high pitch voice, making your ears ring, "Y/N, get down or you are going to regret it. There's no need for this", He said. "Jesus, stop following me! Leave me alone! What the fuck do you want from me?!" You screamed at him, you know he was more capable than you, fuck, you never even seen his full potential. He remained quiet as you continued to climb, he followed in pursuit as he was getting closer. You tried to find anything in your pockets to slow him down, you needed to distract him and you're panicking right now so you try to search in your pocket with one hand while the legs curl upon the cable and your other hand is holding on for dear life.

"A piece of plastic..?" Oh shit, it was from the walkie talkie, the size of your palm. It wasn't that heavy but, Fuck it, you hurled it down to the where the partygoer was. It hit him, resulting in a high pitched annoyed voice coming from him, he looked at you. He starts climbing faster. You widen your eyes as you quickly look upwards and start climbing again.

It's been a minute, panting, you suddenly just realized how tired you were getting. The adrenaline was still coursing through your veins, making you forget what was going just a second ago, along with the pain in your arm, which was coming back.

"Why can't this obsessive fuck leav- AHHHH" You scream as you felt a bloody grip on your ankle, making your grip loose in surprise. You suddenly fall- in someone's grip as you scream. "WHAT THE FUCK-" He closes your mouth with his hand, the other one gripping the cable. Great, now you were vulnerable in his tight grip, your arms were tied to your side within his hold. You spit in his face, resulting in no reaction from him. You get nervous as you kick and thrash, making his grip tighter as a warning to stop. He went lower down the elevator shaft rapidly as you begin to see the elevator top, the vent busted open, it's still pretty far.

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