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     Max stormed into the bathroom, dropping her bag by the sink and washing her hands. She pulled some pain killers out of her bag, swallowing them quickly. She took a deep breath, going to grab a paper towel when she heard gagging in the last stall. She dried her hands, turning slowly to see cheerleader shoes poking out and her knees on the floor. 

     "Hey, are you all right?" Max asked, leaning forward as she walked to the stall. 

     "Yeah... Yes, I'm... I'm fine," the girl said, Max shrugging slightly. 

     "Okay, um... You're sure?" she asked. 

     "Please, just go away," the girl requested. Max sighed, grabbing her bag and storming out of the bathroom. Chrissy reached forward and flushed the toilet, going to lean back up from the bowl. There was pounding on the door, making her sigh. "Are you deaf? I said go away." 

     "Chrissy?" a woman's voice asked, making her turn around to look. 

     "Mom?" she asked, heart pounding. 

     "You ready to try on the dress again? I loosened the back a little for you," her mom's voice said. Chrissy watched as the lights began to flicker, and two large, wet, veiny feet appeared under the stall door. "Chrissy! Did you hear me? Open the goddamn door, Chrissy... or I'm gonna gut you like the fat pig that you are!" 

     "Leave her alone!" a third voice screamed, the feet appearing to Chrissy's left. She panted, backing up into the corner of the stall. 

     "Go away! Go away!" Chrissy screamed. 

     "Let her go!" the third voice screamed again. 

     "Go away! Go away!" 

     "Did you hear me?" the distorted voice asked. 

     "Go away! Go away!" Chrissy screamed again. 

     "Let her go! She's just a kid! Let her go!" The door began to shake, the bolt slowly coming off as they were all screaming at each other. 

     "Can you hear me?"

     Suddenly it all stopped, Chrissy breathing heavily as she turned her head to look at the stall door. The bolt was still in place, and the door hadn't moved an inch. She stood and walked out of the stall to see there was nothing there at all. It was all in her head. 

     Mary took a deep breath, knees hitting the attic floor as Chrissy was gone. She sighed, turning to see One standing there over her. She rolled her eyes, standing and walking around him. 

     "You... are going to ruin my plans," he said, Mary stopping in her tracks. 

     "You are killing kids," she snapped at him. "And I am powerless with a singular weapon, while you keep me alive. I think the playing field is a little uneven here." 

     "You spoke to her," One continued. 

     "Yeah. I can't touch her. Besides, Chrissy doesn't even remember me. We spoke like, one time over the course of three years," Mary argued with him. "I think your plan is fine. Whatever my interference is, that is not my fault your powers just suck." She felt her airway cut off, and she was suddenly being lifted in the air. She struggled a bit, grabbing at her neck as she looked down at him. 

     "Eleven does not need to know that you alive. She just needs to know you're here," he said, Mary nodding slightly. 

     "You... need... me," she gasped. "Brenner... would... know." One dropped her, Mary gasping as she hit the ground hard. 

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