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by T. L. Ashwell

~~* Day One *~~

Sitting on my couch in my living room, I closed my eyes, "Lord, I confess that I fear death and don't like to face the fact that one day I shall die. Please give me the courage to live my days well and die my death with you at my side. Jesus, I am going to offer this time for you. Please be with me and pray with me, Amen."

Sitting beside me, Jesus answered, "Amen."

"Jesus, I believe in you. I believe in your willingness to show me the best way to live and the power you have. However, I wonder whether I can experience another person's life before my death to see the world from a different pair of eyes, live a life I never imagined before, and experience your love from a different angle. I am not sure how can we do that, but I believe in you. I believe you can have the best plan for me if you are will."

Jesus laughed softly, "Why not? I like this idea. Let's do this. You will have one week. In this week, you can pick any person in the world at any time you want and live in this person's body. You will have complete control of this person's body, including the brain and the memories inside it. At the same time, you still keep all of the memories and knowledge you have at this moment. However, I have a task for you. You need to use this chance to try to make this world a better place. For example, you can choose to stop the Black Death or the Second World War. You also can try to share the technology you know with the people in the stone age. You can choose to be a famous person at this moment if you want."

"My Lord, do I only have one chance to live in one person's body for the whole week?"

"Yes. Take your time to make this decision. Don't need to hurry."

With a long deep breath, I said, "For sure, it is a challenge. This task is much harder than it sounds. How can I make sure this world can be better with just one week? How can I know the future won't be different and be massed up by me? How can I fully understand what is better? What is worse? The best thing I can do is make a world that I would like more. But my will is too far away from the really better, and there is a high chance the plan can be messed up, my Lord. Even with your power, it is still impossible for me to do that."

"You can. I know it, and I will be with you."

I laughed softly, "I have an idea now. I chose to be Judas before he betrayed you."

"You can open your eyes now."


It was night, but not too dark. It was too loud around me.

I was surrounded by the crowd. It was too loud around me.

The weather was good. There was not a single piece of cloud covering the galaxy above my head. It was too loud around me.

With the light from the stars and crowd, I could clearly see the trees and bushes around me. It was too loud around me.

My pocket was heavy, and I felt exhausted. It was too loud around me.

Someone pushed my back, "What's wrong with you? Why did you stop here?"

I turned back. A big group of people, totally out of my expectations, looked at me, torches and weapons in their hands. Their ferocious faces scared me. I stepped back and grabbed my clothes. At that moment, I touched the heavy pocket on my belt. Coins.

Oh my goodness! Jesus! Why did you do this to me? When I said Judas before he betrayed you, what I mean was before Judas took those thirty silver coins! I have no idea how to make this world a better place, but you know it. I just need to keep you alive. That is the easiest way for me to achieve this task. What am I supposed to do now? It is too late. What can I do now? Right! Keep Jesus alive.

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