Growth and repair

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Sure! Looking forward to it

Iwaizumi felt bad. He hoped his best friend knew that he wasn't going to distance himself because of his girlfriend. He would always make time for Oikawa.

Although Oikawa was a bit disappointed, and a little jealous if he was honest, he did know this. Or he hoped it anyway. Besides, he said they could hang out next weekend anyway so it's not like Iwaizumi would never have time for him anymore, right?

Just as Oikawa had put down his phone, he got a message from someone else.

Hey, u wanna hang out with me and Mattsun this weekend?

Sure! I've got nothing else planned

Cool, sleepover at Mattsun's?

Sounds fun! What should I bring?

Sleeping bag, pillows (not too many, I know you Oikawa), snacks and other things you need for the night (toothbrush, pyjamas etc).

Ok, can't wait!

Oikawa felt so lucky to have friends like those two. He knew that they invited him to make him feel better and it certainly worked. Now Oikawa had something else to focus on rather than the negative things previously circling his brain.

He turned on his TV and decided to watch an episode of his favourite show. One episode turned into two, two turned into three, and before he knew it, it was midnight. He really did love that show.

He turned off the TV and scrolled through social media for a bit. Normally, he wouldn't be up this late, he would usually go to bed quite early. But he didn't feel that tired yet and it wasn't like he had school the next morning.

He thought about texting Iwaizumi again but he didn't want to bother him so late at night. In stead, he made a list of what to bring to the sleepover tomorrow and turned his phone off, his eyes finally getting a lot heavier.

He fell asleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow, not realising how tired he really was.

He woke up the next morning and gathered his stuff for the sleepover. Makki had texted him to say they'd be meeting at Mattsun's at 4:00 but he could come whenever he was ready.

Oikawa's parents were out of town so he had the house to himself for the day. He liked being home alone but sometimes he felt a bit too lonely. He deeply enjoyed the company of his parents and even his nephew sometimes when he wasn't being a little shit.

Sometimes, they would practice volleyball together and Oikawa would help him work on his technique. And although he didn't show it, he was very grateful for Oikawa's help.

Oikawa was a terrible cook, so when it came to lunchtime, he just put on some toast, which he almost burnt because he got distracted. He settled down in front of the TV and continued to watch his favourite show.

He was about to get up to put his plate in the sink when he heard his phone buzz next to him. He assumed it was probably Makki or Mattsun reminding him to not forget something.

He put his plate in the sink and came back to see if he was right. To his surprise, it was from an unknown number. His number was quite hard to get, so Oikawa had no idea who it could be. Probably a scammer or something.

He clicked on the message hesitantly.

Hey, it's Iwaizumi's girlfriend. Just warning you that I'm hanging out with your crush all weekend and he's all mine! Soon, he's not going to want to hang out with you anymore at all. If you even dare to come between us, I will make your life a living hell. If you show him this message, your secret is out for the world to know.

Oikawa froze, re-reading the message over and over. He wouldn't mind his secret being out as much if his school wasn't completely against being gay. How far was this girl willing to go? Oikawa couldn't tell if the girl was just bluffing or if she really would tell the whole school that he was gay.

Oikawa was trying to figure out how she got his number when it dawned on him. She was with Iwaizumi, meaning she probably had access to his phone. Maybe she'd seen the messages between them of Oikawa asking to hang out and that had made things worse.

Oikawa began to panic. Was he really going to lose his best friend over a girl? Not if he could help it. He had to do something about this. The girl had gone way too far and now, Oikawa was worried that the girl was sabotaging Iwaizumi's relationships with not just him, but others too.

He was worried that this would isolate Iwaizumi from the people he cared about. Even Makki and Mattsun said he'd been acting more distant and had been contacting them less.

As sad and worried as Oikawa was, he couldn't let this bring him down. He needed to be strong. He needed to save his best friend as, even though Iwaizumi didn't know it, he was in trouble, and could end up losing people he cared about.

Hiii!! I wasn't really sure where to go with the ending. I think now that Oikawa has realised he's not alone, he's regained his confidence and has also realised that he needs to do something to put a stop to this. Also, I know you're probably thinking Oikawa's too old for sleepovers but I think you can never be too old for them. I love sleepovers!! And I know that Oikawa isn't that close with Makki and Mattsun in the show but I wanted to make them more involved in the story and Oikawa kind of needed someone to guide him so I made it those two. Also, I'm pretty sure Oikawa's school isn't canonically homophobic, but it adds to the story. Oops sorry for the long AN, I'll stop now 😅 but anyways I hope your enjoying this and have a wonderful day!!

Jealousy - IwaoiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant