"No, she's right." Ace quickly jumped in, a childish smile on his face, "Been playing ever since I was six."

A smirk formed on June's face, "Good." she turned her head to the right, "See, Luca, all tall people play basketball."

She started talking about a random subject, until a boisterous voice snatched everyone's attention away from her.

"That freak again.." Jason grumbled annoyed, he stood up, slamming his hands on the table, "Hey, man, go someplace else or something!" he shouted across the room, June cringed a little.

Jason was supposed to be the star player of the basketball, but he wasn't really good. June always thought he just got the title because he's popular. The guy was too confident with practically nothing in her opinion.

She turned her head to see the face belonging to the voice. Eddie Munson had his middle finger up at Jason and had an innocent smile on his face.

He put his hand down, his smile forming into a smirk as he stared at Jason. His eyes met with June's for a second before his smirk dropped and he turned around to sit at the table with his Hellfire mates.

Hellfire apparently was a group of which he was the leader, they'd meet up for contests and wear matching shirts with the logo, all for some game.

Luca nudged June's shoulder, nodding her head in the way of two other boys wearing Hellfire shirts, "There's two more. They look like freshmen." she ventured.

The two best friends followed the boys with their eyes, watching them sit down at the same table as Eddie previously did.

"What's 'hellfire'?" June questioned, turning her head back and briefly looking at Ace whom was already more comfortable in the group.

"It's some club that likes to play D&D." Chrissy explained submissively, "It's a game."

"Huh," the black haired girl chuckled, "Well, good for them." she wiggled her eyebrows in a joking way making the rest around her laugh.

Luca peeped up, "Oh! I forgot to tell you, you know Helene, right? She totally banged that Peter dude.."

Meanwhile, on the other side of the hall, Eddie had to look at June's back. It was better like that though, this way she couldn't catch him staring.

He snapped out of his trance when two people sat down at the table, Mike and Dustin.

The two were in their first year at the high school, Mike looked back to the girls with their backs facing them.

He knew the middle ones name, everyone knew her name, but he didn't know what everyone found so interesting about her. Yes, she was beautiful, but so was El and no one seemed to care about her.

"Who's that girl sitting at the table?" Dustin asked, also having noticed Eddie's staring. Dustin was a little behind on names and all those things.

"Only Juniper McKennan." Eddie scoffed sarcastically, "The fact that you don't know that is kind of worrying."

Dustin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at the response as he briefly looked back at Juniper.

"She's this girl Eddie's been obsessing over for years." a guy both Mike and Dustin didn't know informed them, "She's the cheer captain and considered the most popular and wanted girl in possibly all of Hawkins." he shrugged, "Shame she's so dumb and her personality stinks."

Eddie slapped the guy's arm, giving him a look, "It doesn't stink. She's been affected by her friends." he tried saving her, he's always had this feeling her personality was a set-up, but he could never be sure, "And she's not dumb, have you ever noticed her grades?"

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