Chapter 7 - A cigar for the stress...

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      Y/N's POV

"You smart bastard you did it."

I said with a giant smirk on my face as Ekko handed me a pack of cigarettes while, on his other hand, rested another pack for his own consumption.

"Not without some help."

My focus shifted to the source of the voice and the smirk turned into a genuine smile.

"Hey there good lookin, how are you?"

Vi, someone very dear to me, we basically run our group.

"Little man over here got into trouble while trying to get those. So i helped."

Of course Ekko would get in trouble, when doesn't he get in trouble. I chuckled at her as my hand patted the seat next to me.

Giving me back a smile as a response she sat next to me, the rest of the guys sat around the small fire i had put up.

Opening the pack i offered them a cig, as a thanks if anything.

"Just a few days and there won't be need to steal anymore. My first fight will pay."

I said and looked around the many people there who had wasted no time lighting up their cigars.

"Ain't you overly optimistic."

Vi chuckled as she rested her head on my shoulder while bringing her cigar to her mouth.

"And you love me for it."

A smug look on my face as she giggled as a response, yes, me and Vi . . . We had a thing going on.

Raising my hand up once more i put the cigarettes end between my lips.

Present time.

Pulling it away from my mouth a sigh before letting the smoke free into the air. My eyes wandered around as it transformed into weird shapes.

How times have changed.

Now, being the optimistic one seemed impossible for me. I haven't been ever since . . . That night at the docks.

I tried, darn it i did try to be, for her, for them. I guess i just run out. It got tiring. The world seemed to be against us at the time.

Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But it doesn't matter anymore.


The phone in my right front pocket starts vibrating and causes me to push myself off from the steel bar i was leaning against in my balcony.

Once i saw the name i shook my head slightly and swiped right picking up the call.

"What's up, Mark."

I heard a chuckle coming from his end as i stared into the endless black of the sky wrapping over the city of progress.

I won't lie, this is city is a shit show with double-faced back-stabbing bastards who were smiles to keep up an image but, when nighttime comes and the city 'goes' to sleep. It is indeed beautiful. The countless lights, like fireflies beaming light.

"Smoking again?"

He knows me well, even though i don't want to admit. It is good to know you have someone who knows you.

"How would you know?"

Chuckling again he let out a sigh and breathed again.

"This is usually your time of sorrow, the time when Y/N just hangs back, smokes half a pack of cigarettes and reminisces the times he was still young and on the bloom of his age."

That's What The Baddest Do - K/DA Akali x Male Reader.Where stories live. Discover now