Chapter 10 - The First Date.

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                                                                                               Akali's POV

"You are going where?" 

Kai'Sa asked me as Ahri was behind me working on my hair. Usually when I go out I just put my hair into the trade-mark messy ponytail I do but now it was different. Now it felt different. 

"It's like an unofficial date with Y/N." 

Eve replied for me getting our dancer's attention off of me. While doing so, the succubus was picking our my clothes for the date. Well... unofficial date.

"Did he ask you out?" 

Kai'Sa asked again clearly intrigued by all this. 

"I mean, not really. I asked if he would like to grab a coffee or something in the future and he quick to accept."

Looking in the mirror in front of me I could a soft smile resting upon her face before she got up from her seating position to help Evelynn with the choice of clothes.


"You can't seriously think I'm gonna let you go out on a  date dressed like that!" That would be my friend and trainer Sett, who is being very annoying right now to say the least.

"First of all it is not a date and second, how do you want me to dress? A suit and tie? We are going for a coffee." I replied before grabbing my leather jacket, the same I wore yesterday when I went over to their place. What can I say, I really like this jacket.

"She will be here any minute, so I suggest you quit your moaning." He didn't even have a chance to reply as the doorbell echoed through my home. 

"That must be the date!" Sett nudged me on the side with his elbow while giving me a wink, you know, one of those that the boys give to one another. 

"Please don't blow my house up while I'm away."  Walking over to the door there were a thousand and one things going through my mind for example, how did I end up in this situation? What am I supposed to do when I open the door? What am I supposed to say? 

This was the first time I've felt stressed in a very, very. . . very long time.  And yet I'm right here, in front of the door about to open it. Putting my hand on the doorhandle I take a deep breath before twisting it causing the door to open and . . .                 Wow. 

Akali's POV 

I just pressed the doorbell button and I'm waiting, there really is a lot going through my mind right now. I'm really not that experience on dating and all, never really had the time and I didn't grow up in the most date-friendly environment. Ninja's and all you understand. . . probably not. 

What if he changed his mind? What if he doesn't show up? 

And then the door creaked and slowly revealed the man's fit build. He was pretty much wearing the same clothes he wore to the party but don't let this fool you, it took non of the charm away. 

After this . . . date is done when I get home I  will be asked to describe his choice of clothing. And the only word that comes to my mind is just . . .               Wow.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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