Chapter 6 - First Listen, and . . .

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                                                                                  Akali's POV

Currently laying on my bed while staring at the ceiling, you know, those little therapy sessions with the ceiling you usually have? Well, i'm talking about the same one. Only difference was that it wasn't 3 am. 

It has been three days since we took on that deal with the RMMA about a theme song and since i- the groups met Y/N. Honestly this three days haven't been very tiring. Sure we were working on the song they wanted but the one putting in the most work was Yasuo since he said he had the perfect idea for the song. 

Weird thing is he didn't ask for any lyrics, just vocals that he would manipulate to make them sound in various different ways. But hey, the man has a passion. I trust him. 

That's when three knocks on the door made me snap out of my thoughts as i slightly turned and looked at the door waiting for whoever was on the other side to come in. The knocks are just a thing so there is at least some manners in this house, in the end, they always walk in. 

"Hello dear~" 

Aaaand that's Evelynn, yep. 

"Hey Eve." 

Honestly me and her have been working together mostly, the most laid back out of the five members of K/DA was Kai'Sa since she was needed only for a few things. And you know, her main thing was dance and there was no dance in this project. 

Without realising it i was again staring at the ceiling and so did she, for a split second before looking back at my figure. 

"That ceiling definetely has a lot to say.." 

The demon said as she walked over to my office, which was positioned against the purple wall, on the right side of my bed. Leaving enough space to be able to pull the chair back and sit there. Which is what my silver haired friend did. 

"Yasuo is indeed making a masterpiece if i may say so myself." 

A smirk was resting on her face once my eyes met her face. That's weird, Evelynn usually compliments another persons work unless its ours. 

"You heard the piece?" 

She nodded as a response to my question and before she knew it i shot another question her way. 

"How was it then? I mean, can you be more descriptive than just one word?" 

Her smirk grew wider as she shook her head and i frowned, of course she wouldn't make it easy. When does Evelynn ever make anything easy? 

That's right, never. 

"You'll have to see for yourself." 

Her voice was melodical, the tone she used was low and gentle, nothing new for Eve in all reality. 

As i was about to speak another knock on the door made me stop dead on my tracks as i pushed my body up, now sitting on the bed with my legs hanging from the edge of it. 

"Come in~" 

The door opened and in came yasuo and looked at us with a raised eye brow, i was surprised to say the least since i saw him this morning when we worked on some chords about the song. 

"So, you ladies ready?" 

Ready for what?

"Of course my dear~" 

And just like that im tangled in something Eve has put together. 

Or so i thought . . .

That's What The Baddest Do - K/DA Akali x Male Reader.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang