Chapter 2 - Mic Drop.

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3rd Person POV

The door to the luxury condo burst open and a man walked in, wearing mainly sportswear and a jacker over his T-Shirt he made his way quickly through the entrance to the living room.


He shouted at the top of his lungs getting the attention he seeked from his dark skinned friend.

"You know i sometime's feel like living with you was a mistake."

The boy with the rasta-like brown hair said before pausing his game and looking back at his room mate.

"What is it, Yasuo?"

The one known as Yasuo jumped on the couch next to the dark skinned male.

"Have you checked the RMMA's social media?"

Yasuo asked raising an eye brow while browsing his phone.

"No, we literally attended an event 4 days ago-"

Yasuo then quickly replied by showing him the phone.

"They anounced a new signing, bastards haven't given any clue as to who it is though."

Yasuo explained again as the other guy took the phone from his hand.

"Surprise Signing, will attend the event tomorrow-?"

He read aloud.

"Can you get tickets for the show tomorrow?"

He asked Yasuo who smirked.

"Sure thing Ekko."


I never really thought i'd have to pack my stuff, always knew though that if i ever had to it would be hard. Kinda was actually, at least everything happened so fast that i practically had no time to take trips down memory lane for each individual thing.

Can't afford any distractions.

Hanging the same pair of gloves i used not many nights ago to fight my last fight in the Undercity on the wall i feel like one chapter of my life got closure. Yet it still doesn't feel right although i've made, i'm in Piltover.

Staring at the wrecked and tore fabric a voice breaks my train of thought.

"Looks cozy."

I grunt in response as i throw a stare over my shoulder at the man standing right at the front door.

"I still don't know why a house was part of the contract."

He walks over and looks at the few empty boxes resting around the room, i don't have many things either. So moving was not too hard.

"You're from the Undercity Y/N, just like me and the rest of the team. They thought it best if you had your first residence already . . . well, bought by them. To not make things messy."

Raising an eye brow at Mark now turning my body facing him fully waiting for him to continue as it was obvious that there was more to this.

"They also have you as a surprise signing and don't want people to find out about you before tomorrow's show. They have you as a show opener. Cutting a promo."

God how much i hated promos. I'm not one for words. But if it pays me... guess i gotta do it.

"Fine. Transport?"

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