Chapter 3: Meeting the boys

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(Y/N) arrives at two on the dot. Wanda opens the front door for her, appreciating her punctuality. It's one of the traits she admires the most. There's something reliable about a person who arrives when they say they would.

"Good afternoon," the other woman says. Wanda greets her back before pointing to the box in her hand.

"What's that?"

"It's fudge chocolate brownies. I noticed the first time I came here that you made a batch for the boys and they seemed to really like them, but this is for all of you of course." (Y/N) says, handing the box over to Wanda,

"Are you trying to make them like you?"

(Y/N) chuckles. "Depends. Will that help?"

Wanda can't help but smile, grateful for the fact that the other woman is trying. Another person wouldn't have bothered but (Y/N) is clearly making an effort. She's not sure if these will help her earn points from the boys but it's definitely a check in her book.

"We'll see."

Wanda steps aside to let (Y/N) in. She closes the door as soon as the other woman steps further into the living room.

"Come on, they're in the backyard."

Wanda walks towards the kitchen, leaving the box on the counter before proceeding to the back door. (Y/N) is right behind her. Wanda opens the partition that leads to the backyard, a smile engulfing her features as soon as she sees Billy and Tommy running around kicking their soccer ball.

"Boys," she calls out, "come here for a second." Billy and Tommy jog towards their mother. "Remember I told you that I'm leaving for work on Monday? Well, this is who's going to look after you while I'm away."

The other woman raises a hand to wave at them "Hi. I'm (Y/N). It's good to meet you."

"Oh, I remember you! You were here last time with Auntie Nat and Uncle Steve. You said you were mom's friend," Billy says.

"That's right."

"I'm Billy and this is my brother, Tommy."

"Happy to finally meet you guys."

"She brought brownies for you by the way," Wanda tells them.

At this, the boys' eyes brighten. "Really? Awesome! Thanks (Y/N)."

"Does that mean I can join your game? I'm not very good at soccer but I think I can keep up with you boys."

It's Tommy who answers. "You're on!"

The three of them jog to where the ball is, their laughter ringing in the air as they begin their game. Wanda watches them for a moment, smiling at how relaxed the boys seem. She still doesn't want to leave her children but seeing how easily they've taken to (Y/N) eases the worry in her mind.

She walks back inside the house. There's still a bit of cleaning to do before she can allow herself to rest.

It isn't easy being a single mother to two very energetic boys. There are toys scattered around the living room and a few articles of clothing on the back of the couch. She's certain that they weren't there this morning but the boys keep forgetting to pick up after themselves. She has scolded them about it a number of times before and they certainly try their best to remember, but then a day or two goes by and they're back to being their untidy selves. She sighs, supposing that it's normal for a pair of eleven year olds. They'll learn soon. She just has to be firmer.

When she finishes cleaning up, Wanda walks back to the kitchen. She looks out the window, her heart glowing with happiness at what she sees. (Y/N) and the boys are lying on the grass and pointing up at the sky. She can't hear what they're talking about but her ears pick up on their faint laughter. She hears Tommy's giggle and instantly melts. It's obvious that the boys like (Y/N). Truthfully, Wanda still has her reservations but the other woman has been nothing but trustworthy so far. Maybe leaving the boys won't be so bad.

Fudge Chocolate BrowniesWhere stories live. Discover now