Chapter 9: Friday (Part 2)

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Wanda watches as (Y/N) starts gathering her ingredients, mesmerized by the way she moves around the kitchen with ease. It's only been a week but the way that (Y/N) looks so comfortable in her home makes Wanda's chest ache. No one apart from her friends, if she can still call them that, do. Sure, most of the people in Westview have already forgiven her but they're still cautious around her, like she might imprison them again if they do or say something she wouldn't like. There's still that lingering fear among them and although Wanda can't blame them, it still stings.

"What are you cooking tonight, (Y/N)?" Billy asks, bringing Wanda out of her reverie.

"Please say it's something that won't take too long. I'm going to pass out soon," Tommy says, making (Y/N) chuckle.

"You're in luck then. Fish and chips don't take too long to make."

"Oh, thank god."

Wanda laughs, thoroughly amused by her son's dramatic antics. "Why don't you boys stay in the living room and watch TV while I help (Y/N) here?"

"Okay," Billy replies and Tommy nods in agreement.

Wanda watches as Billy and Tommy walk over to the living room but instead of taking a seat on the couch to watch TV, the boys start cleaning up and putting their project materials away.

"We're going to put these in our room first," Billy says.

"Oh, and we should clean up for dinner too," Tommy tells his brother and Wanda watches in amazement as her sons leisurely walk up the stairs.

When she looks back at (Y/N), (Y/N) is already looking at her.

"I still can't believe you were able to do that in a week," Wanda says.


"Make them put away their things? Get them to stop running up the stairs? Have them clean up before dinner?"

(Y/N) laughs, shaking her head. "They still need reminding most of the time but they're getting the hang of it. They're very easy to teach. They're good kids, Wanda. I meant it when I said you raised them well."

That makes Wanda's heart swell. Hearing it through the phone is one thing, but hearing it now in person is something else entirely. "Thank you. I really appreciate that."

"You're welcome. Now, I believe you said you were going to be my sous chef for tonight?" (Y/N) jokes and Wanda finds herself grinning, feeling light and carefree despite her reason for coming home earlier than planned.

They move together in the kitchen, silent except for (Y/N)'s soft humming and the sound of the knife cutting through the potatoes on the chopping board.

It doesn't take them long to finish prepping and by the time the boys are coming down, the battered fish and the batonnet-cut potatoes are already frying in two separate pots.

"It shouldn't take long," (Y/N) says, turning to Wanda. "Would you mind if I step away for a bit to clean up? I just realized I haven't changed since this afternoon and I was doing a bit of carpentry before you arrived. I must look like a complete mess right now."

Wanda tries her best not to look anywhere else than at (Y/N)'s face. "You look fine, (Y/N), but sure, go ahead."


She fixes her eyes on the pots, only daring to turn and look at (Y/N)'s retreating form when she's sure that she wouldn't get caught.

"She's pretty, right, mom?" Billy suddenly says and Wanda feels a blush creep up her neck.

She clears her throat, trying her best to sound casual when she replies, "Yes, she is."

"And she's super smart too," Tommy adds, "She taught us about the volcano that burned a whole city when it erupted. You know, the one we're trying to copy for our project?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2022 ⏰

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