Chapter 8: Friday

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It's Friday afternoon. The boys and I have just arrived home from school. They're putting away their shoes and are talking about their science project when I clear my throat.

"I don't think I'll be able to help you with your project today, boys."

Billy immediately frowns. "Why not?"

"Because I have a project of my own that I'd like to finish tonight so we can all use it tomorrow." I grin, quite glad that the boys haven't discovered what I've been doing for the past few days. They've been so busy with their schoolworks that they haven't been out in the backyard the entire week. They haven't even noticed it from the kitchen window. It's actually a miracle that the treehouse is still a secret from them. Not for long, though.

"What project is it?" Tommy asks.

I smile. "Let me show you."

I walk towards the kitchen and out the back door with Billy and Tommy right behind me. They gasp as soon as they see the treehouse.

"Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! You made us a treehouse!" Tommy says, bouncing up and down with so much happiness in his eyes.

"I did. I started last Tuesday and since I've had a lot of time to work on it the past few days after I walk you guys to school in the morning, I'm confident that I can finish it tonight."

"Thank you!" Billy says, running up to my right side and wrapping his arms around my waist. Tommy follows him, hugging me from the left.

My heart stutters in my chest. This is the first time they've ever shown this kind of affection.

I put my hands on top of their heads, looking down at them with all of the fondness that I can muster. "You're welcome. Now, you boys know what to do. There's chips on the table if you want a snack while working on your project. I'll be out here finishing up and we'll all play here tomorrow, yeah?"

"Yeah!" They shout in unison. I laugh, watching as they both run back to the house eager to finish their project so I can finish mine.

As soon as the kitchen door closes, I get to work. There's not much left to do but put up a roof and double check that the railings are all secure. After that, I plan on putting on a tire swing.

The afternoon goes by with both me and the boys doing our own work diligently. At about five thirty, Tommy goes out to ask if he can borrow my phone to take a picture of their project. They want to send their progress to their mom, he said. I nod, even giving him my password so they can send a message to Wanda themselves.

I'm about finished at a quarter past six. I look up in satisfaction. The treehouse looks great, if I do say so myself. Contented with my work, I start gathering the tools. I'm picking them up and putting them in the box when I hear a loud bang from within the house. It sounded like the front door.

With the screwdriver in my hand, I run as fast as I can towards the house. I slam the kitchen door open, ready to fight whoever dared to drop in unannounced. This is it. This is why they chose me to look after Billy and Tommy. But it's more than that now. This isn't just a job to me anymore. Billy and Tommy... I care about them. And Wanda. She trusts me to keep them safe.

I'm about to throw the screwdriver deep into the intruder's neck when I see who it is.

I stop.


Her eyes are glowing crimson and her hands are poised to strike. There's so much power radiating off of her that I don't lower my weapon lest she's not herself and attacks.

"Did you know?" She asks. Her voice is cold. Dangerous.

"Did I know what?"

"They chose you. Out of everyone, they chose you. Why would they if you aren't in on it?"

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