Loo Loo Land

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Few years ago, taking place at the Ars Goetia palace a cry of a little girl was heard "Mummy, Daddy!"

In tye bedroom of the prince and princess, Stolas and Stella. Stolas grow as a bit as he wakes up "Via is calling us Stella"

She groans tiredly "ugh you get up"

Stolas sat up and sighs as he got up, putting on his rob

As he open a door of a room, he said "Via, what troubles you my owlette"

His daughter, Octavia got out from her covers as he gets out of her bed with a scared expression, saying "daddy, daddy"

She runs to his arms as he picks her up "I had a dream, a really bad dream"

He yawns then said "a nightmare" wiping his daughters tears

"I was looking all over the palace, and I couldn't find you anywhere. You weren't there" she hugs him

He comforts her as he had his grimoire follow him inside "there there there Via, it's ok, you're okay"

He sat on her bed as he held her close "when you're scared and you don't know where I am, you must remember no matter what happens to me. I will never be far away from my special little Starfire"

As Stolas left her sleeping daughter and closed the door, Octavia sleeps peacefully

(Back to the time now)

Octavia that is now a teenager, woke up from the sound of crashing, she looked pissed off and groans as she lays on her back

She then heard her parents argue as she keeps groaning.

Stella yelled "I can't believe, you slept with an Imp in our Fucking bed!!"

Stolas the Said back "it wasn't expected. I didn't have time to go to a motel!"

"A Motel, Like a fucking plebian!"

Octavia puts her earbuds then about to put music on, but a text from her friend and the only one she can come to was Aphrodite. She texted "Morning Bestie, how did you sleep, hope you have a great Morning

She chuckled a bit and texted her "could be
worst and thanks, text you later, A"

She then puts her music on and gets dressed

She walks down the halls of the palace, a vase was throw infront of her and hearing screams from her mother, which she stepped over.

As she enters the kitchen, Stella yelled as she grabs one of their imp servants "You want to fuck this one too!?"

She thrown the imp at Stolas, which he was able to dodge from and explain "No of course not"

"You are a goddamn embarrassment. I'm not spending another moment looking at your pathetic imp sucking face!" She marches out the kitchen as she continues to curse out and destroying everything on her way out

Stolas sighs from exhaustion, he then noticed his daughter at the table, he greeted happily "good morning Octavia did you sleep well, my owlette"

Octavia puts her mug down and asked "is that a serious question?"

Stolas looked at her and was a bit sad from her response. He walks to the fridge then asked her "what's that you're listening to?"

As Stolas opens the fridge and grabs a piece of Zebra meat, as Octavia answered "this song is called "My World is Burning Down Around Me" is by Fuck You Dad"

Daughter of Asmodeus (Helluva boss various x Innocent oc)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum