So what are we?

487 29 2

My fingers instinctively wrapped around Yoongi's, a sense of security weaseling its way into my heart as we slowly inched towards the kitchen. My first thought was shaken with fear, what would the others think, would they think I'm disgusting, do they think I'm taking advantage of Yoongi like most other humans? The anxiety pounded in my bones, the nervousness creeping into my throat as I swallowed a lump.

" Don't worry about them alright?" Yoongi's hand gripped my own, a soft sign of reassurance that did very little in curbing my anxiety. I guess it helped a little in terms of understanding my position but still, very little.

The kitchen was more quite than I had ever thought possible, so silent that you could hear the forks against the plates. Even more so when Yoongi entered first, gently tugging me behind like I was some sort of suitcase. Every set of eyes felt like they were analysing each breath I took, calculating each possible movement I was too make as I shied away behind the cat. Each of them knew, Taehyung had told everyone.

" Go sit down." Yoongi's voice was gentle as he gently ushered me to the seat on the opposite side of the table, right next to Namjoon and Hoseok. I blinked, very slowly making my way to the spare seat. Their eyes watching me, not subtly at that, as I took a seat.

I had glanced up at Yoongi who, gladly enough, sat opposite me, however his focus seemed to be directly on Seokjin, and vice versa. I swallowed the lump of saliva in the back of my throat. When they communicated like this it definitely meant they were hiding something, or Seokjin was scolding Yoongi. In this case it could be either or.

" So are you two like a thing now?" I jumped, directing my attention to SeokJin who pointed his fork in my direction. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips tightened into a thin line; and a gloss of disappointment flashing in his eyes.

I bit my lip, feeling my cheeks burn at the question. It was no doubt that their interests were peaked, but he couldn't of just asked in private? Yoongi scoffed, shoveling a forkful of cold noodles into his mouth.

" I've already told you, yes, we are." It was Yoongi's turn to point his fork in SeokJin's direction, his eyes alight in some thirst of motivation. I had to admit, I was slightly taken aback at his declaration. I mean, we hadn't even had chance to discuss it yet.

" I wasn't asking you." SeokJin licked his bottom lip, his gaze not straying from my own as he jabbed his fork in the air. I scratched my nape sheepishly, the tension growing, almost suffocating.

" Well, I mean - Like, we haven't really discussed it yet. Yes, I love him but I don't want him to think I'm pressuring him into it or making the situation with the rest of you uncomfortable." I could feel my own lips dry the more I spoke, quickly turning to look down at my plate.

" Your not pressuring me into anything, I want this." Yoongi's leg found itself to mine, his shoes gently caressing my trousers as he spoke.

The table fell quiet once more. I exhaled sharply, eyes focused on the small specks of dust finding its way into the table. Why did things have to come to this?

The muffle shrill of my phone vibrated through my trouser pocket, the silence once more being pierced by my shrunken figure. I coughed nervously, quickly fishing out my phone and standing up bowing quickly as an apology, and leaving the tense atmosphere.

The phone continued to shake, the screen blaring a picture of me and Yoongi as kids. JB's name etched into the centre of the screen only worsened my already anxiety ridden state as I reluctantly answered the phone.

" Do you know how many times I've rang you?" His voice was not void of worry as I frowned, I'm sure he only called once. " It doesn't matter, we have a problem."

I swallowed thickly, phone pressed against my ear as I bit at my fingernail. " What's wrong, is it one of the kids, are they alright?"

" The kids are fine." JB reassured, a sigh leaving his throat. I could visibly see him pinch the bridge of his nose. " Some one's here.They're looking for Jungkook."

" Jungkook?" I could feel my brain draw up to a blank as I blinked. " Why are they looking for Jungkook?"

" He said he was Jungkooks owner. Came in started getting all pissy with IU we had some staff try calm him down but-" he trailed off, the ruckus in the background becoming a lot more clearer.

' but what? Is anyone hurt, are you all okay?" JB sighed again. Oh god. Did someone get hurt? I knew I should have stayed at work instead of staying at home.

" Everyone's okay, Kai just came to update me. He's not leaving without Jungkook. He showed some documents that appeared to be adopted papers but we have to get them checked out, the results won't be for another few hours."

I bit my lip.

" Thats impossible, I did my research. None of the boys apart from Namjoon was registered, therefore, even if Jungkook was adopted by this man the papers don't matter."

JB cursed on the other end of the line, his voice shaky. " What do you want us to do?"

" Take him to room A032 and tell him that Jungkook is legally owned by me." I growled, my fingers curling tighter round my phone.

" A032? But that's- "

I interrupted the hybrid, already slipping my shoes on my feet." Lock him in there and I'll be there in 30."

" But what about if he goes to the police, what your reputation.?" I chuckled slightly at that.

" Fuck my reputation if someone thinks they can take any of my boys away from me." JB gave the slightest of chuckles over the call, before his name was called somewhere in the distance.

" Still as irrational as ever I see." The comment made my anger dissipate slightly, a sudden string of nostalgia plucking at my chest.

" I'd do the same thing for you." I knew he smiled at that, just as I had done. The faintest tweak of my lips as he bid goodbye.

" Just get here soon." I grabbed my keys of the stand, throwing my coat over my shoulder as the line cut dead.

" And where do you think your going?" I groaned, inserting the key in the front door and throwing it open as I turned around.

All seven of them stood in the hallway, arms folded as if I was about to get scolded for leaving my own house past curfew. What I could tell, however, was Jungkooks shaking figure under Hoseoks left arm, casually being shaded.

They already knew where I was going. Did they want to come with me? I shook my head internally, couldn't let that happen, we don't know who this man is or what their goal is.  The problem is do I bring a Jungkook along, by the looks of things it might not be the best idea, but who will be the best person to indenting the man?

" Namjoon come with me." Said boy just stared, hesitantly stepping forward, and leaving the confinements of the house with a shy smile.

" I'm coming with you." Yoongi pushed aside his younger, and I shook my head.

" No, you're going to stay here and protect Jungkook." I stepped out the house, watching as Yoongi's face fell slightly. SeokJin had placed a hand on his shoulder, the ruffle of his shirt indicating he was squeezing it.

" But what about-"

" No buts, trust me on this one okay?" Yoongi blinked, his tongue scanning his front teeth, before nodding, head dejectedly turning to the ground. " and by the time I get back I want you all to sort your shit out, understood?"

And with that I slammed the door, some sounds of protest echoing behind the wood as I locked the door, sprinting towards the car.

Namjoon was already seated in the back seat, his head watching as I climbed into the drivers side. I sighed, starting the ignition. Why couldn't things just go right for once?

Co-Exist {BTS hybrid AU}Where stories live. Discover now