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It was two days after that incident, and I was allowed to return home, the nurse said I was fully healed but to be on the safe side told me to remain stationary for at least a few days. That's how I ended up being coddled from all angles the moment I walked through my front door, the welcome home banner, still up, and drooping, along the banisters of the stairwell, the irony was quite laughable. Everything was in the same place that I had left it, almost as I had never left. I shouldn't have left.

The only change was the fact the boys were a lot clinger, constantly babying me as if I was some porcelain figure. I was fine, but no matter how many times I reassured a trembling Jungkook or a sobbing Hoseok they found something else to worry about. The days from then on only consisted of cuddles, love, and work, easily judgable but was often sternly gazed upon by either Namjoon or SeokJin.

During the nights, the boys would snuggle into my bed, some completely transformed into their furry alters and others curled tightly together almost like they were seeking warmth. At those times of the night, I truly felt like I belong, watching their puffy faces squash against each other as drool ran in a thin line down the corner of their mouths. They were cute, lovable, and more importantly my family, the reason for me to find out exactly what I needed to.

It was at this time of night I allowed myself to research the events that have occurred over the last few weeks. The incident was the simplest thing to find, Hyungsik Laboratories collapsing. A powerhouse in the hybrid industry was found to exploit those they promised the public to protect. My face was plastered over various new sites, I had saved just over two thousand hybrids, yet there was never any explanation of how. I assumed because of my status in this line of work nobody questions such trivial matters, it was suspicious, but the more depth I searched the more fruitful my quest for answers became.

'Nobody must know about your bond to hybrids Miss Min'

Everyday the nurses words resonated in my head ,enticing me to find out what she had meant. It bothered me to the very depths of my core, and there was always a tug at my heart when I thought about it. Yet no matter how much I tried to find the answer, human- hybrid bonds where non-existent, erased from the earth like it has scorned mankind. Yet I was living proof that these things occur, so was the nurse that had tended to me. The only difference being, I had no idea who I was bonded to.

I worked constantly with hybrids, completely unaware of the bonds they could create with humans, it could be anyone. My eyes scanned around the kitchen table, watching as the boys danced around SeokJin who was cooking the bacon on the stove. My eyes wearily landed on Yoongi, who was glancing at the younger with a small smile. It was reassuring to know he had grown an attachment to them, but at the same time as my heart began to pace, I couldn't help but wonder if he was my bond.

I shook my head, blinking at the thought. Yoongi was my brother.... someone who I loved more dearly than a brother. If I had bonded, surely it would have been with him. No. I couldn't be. Yoongi would have told me, wouldn't he?

" Princess, are you alright, your pretty red?" A hand placed itself on my shoulder, startling me slightly as I turned to look at Jimin, his eyes wide as he glanced back at me. I blinked, licking my lips as his hand moved to my forehead. " Your burning up, do you need your medication?"

" Ah, no. I'm fine." I wriggled my hands around aimlessly, earning a small giggle from the hybrid as he took a seat next to me.

" Who are you thinking about to get so flustered Beansprout?" There was a hint of playfulness in Jin's tone as he dished out the meat into the container, turning to look at me with a hamster smile. " It best be me, I am pretty handsome."

" Yah!" Jungkook pounced on his elder, ears pricked as Taehyung lightly punched Jin's shoulder. The elder pouted, eyebrow raised at his youngers behaviour before prying of the wild Jungkook. The younger prey pouted, eyes enlarging as he looked at me. " Are you thinking about me to noona?"

No! Not the noona! I shivered, looking into the boys depths. That face, was the one that could gain him anything. Must resist. Must not give in.

" Kookie, remember what she said about Noona, it makes her uncomfortable." Hoseok patted Jungkook's head, leaving the boy to poke out his lip in defeat before taking a seat. Taehyung followed, the same facial expression on his face as he sat down with a heavy thump. Hoseok smiled, turning his attention back to me " So what was you thinking about?"

" Nothing" I smiled back, shaking my head. A sharp pain shot through my ankle as I looked at Yoongi, eyebrows furrowed with his arms crossed across his chest.

" You reek, why are you lying?" He hissed, eyes faintly glowing as his ears perched on his head. He didn't have to kick me to gain my attention. I pouted, earning a coo from someone in the room. I couldn't lie to Yoongi, scratch that, I didn't want to lie to Yoongi, but what would happen if he found out? What if it wasn't him I was bonded to? I could only imagine the rampage before me. I scratched the back of my neck sheepishly.

" I-uh- was just thinking about when you guys get your heat you know? Yoongi hardly gets his, so I was trying to think of a way to ask you all without it seeming awkward and not at the dinner table." I could feel my face flair again, and I barely saw them glance at each other before looking away.

Co-Exist {BTS hybrid AU}Where stories live. Discover now