Save me

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How did I get myself into these situations?

Drowning slowly into a pool of darkness, trying with whatever effort I had to keep my head above the rising waves, to weakly manoeuvre forward in a fragile attempt to escape. In my mind I was thrashing inside the invisible prison that only seemed to drag me further when in reality I knew I couldn't even move a muscle.

It was times like these were I liked to revaluate my life, knowing I no longer had the strength to survive, the memories that were slowly being withdrawn from my body the only source of power I had. The last memory I had was of a crumbling building, screaming, death.

I let those people die. The waves rolled around me, pulling me, no, thrashing me further down, like a plastic bag. Trash. How could I have let them die, why didn't I do anything?

"Is she okay, Doctor?" I heard it, calling me above the surface. A noise, a sound other than the calling of the watery depths. Something that pricked at my eyes, that voice. I knew that voice.

I struggled, the breaths coming out as ragged forces as the icy-cold water flooded in, an intense surge of pain ratcheting my ribs. Whoever it was, my instincts screamed to get their attention, my mind battling with my muscles as they heaviness weighed.

" Stand clear she's seizing." Another voice, an elderly one. Followed by the pleas of several people. The fire, the collapsing building, the Hybrids screaming, MinSeok.

Min Yoongi, Kim SeokJin, Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook, Jung Hoseok, Kim Namjoon, Kim Taehyung.

"Save me." My eyes flung open, my body lurching forward as the bile crept up my throat and eventually over the side of the bed into a small transparent puddle on the floor. A hand met with the small of my back, startling me slightly at the contrast in warmth. I flinched, moving back to rest against the pillows.

" There, there darling." I blinked, adjusting to the light of the room where the stumpy woman stood dressed in blue overalls. She fuddled around for a while, before handing me a glass of water with a straw. I nodded, carefully placing the plastic between my crusted lips. " It's alright, take it slow, you've been out for a while."

I smiled as she withdrew the glass from my presence, quickly adjusting the IV and flipping through the folder at the end of my bed.

"Excuse me." My voice was scratchy and I licked my lips fruitlessly. " Can you tell me what happened whilst I was out, what about my Hybrids?"

The nurse looked at me solemnly before shaking her head. " I'm afraid I can't tell you until you get better, you condition may worsen Miss Min."

"Please." I dipped my head. " Please just tell me."

I heard her sigh, feeling her gently take a seat by the dip in the bed. " You were in an accident Miss Min, around four weeks ago you came in with severe injuries and we've been keeping you observation since then. Your hybrids stay by your side twenty-four seven unless a medical staff needs to check you over, in that time they all get sent to the cafeteria to calm down."

I nodded, listening carefully. My hybrids were alright, my family was safe. I frowned for a moment, the guilt on my chest heavy as I turned to look up at her. " Was anyone else rescued?"

The nurse seemed to ponder for a moment, flipping the folder in her hands to a close. Then after what seemed like an antagonising long minute she nodded, s peacefully smile on her face. " Almost two thousand hybrids were saved that night due to you, Miss Min, your bravery has been commended across the country."


" I'm sorry, what do you mean?" I had done nothing that night other than escort hybrids away from the scene, I shouldn't be commended for doing the same job hundreds of workers had done.

The nurse frowned, almost comically. " Are you aware Miss Min, that when a Hybrid bonds- or in this case makes claim- to a human, that a humans cell configures in order to prepare for childbirth." She paused for a moment, eyes scanning over me before continuing. " The change is always guided by your mates view of you, it seems in your case your mate sees you as a protector."

I swallowed, I didn't have a mate and even if I did how does the story link in with the accident? " Excuse me for asking, but how does this correlate to me saving the Hybrids."

" Because Miss Min." Her tone was sharp, as her gaze found its way scanning me up and down. " You have something known as Bond Ability, during the cell configuration your body has managed to develop a power that is used to protect your mate or in this case, a several thousand Hybrids. Who ever it is you're bonded to Miss Min, is a lucky Hybrid."

" Ah, thank you." I bowed my head, watching as she replaced my folder and left, leaving me to my thoughts.

Bond Ability. Why had I never heard of that before, I worked with Hybrids, I knew the ins and outs of them. Was this a recent discovery, it couldn't be, scientists have researched mating for years.

I paused, blinking once, then twice trying to make scenes of the nurses words. A mate and a bond is different, but not so different to a claim. In that case, a mate is formed between hybrids whilst a bond is between a Hybrid and a human, thus having claim over their respected partner.

Yet it still didn't make any sense, I was not bonded. I couldn't be. Someone would have told me, right?

" Do you seven always have to bicker?" My head snapped to the door, recognising the voice and more importantly understanding who they were referring to. I smiled, wanting nothing more than to see them.

" It's not my fault Namjoon fell into me." One of them responded, slightly more muffled, but till recognisable.

" This is a hospital, show some respect." With that the door opened, the silence immeasurable as they walked inside, clearly not paying that much attention as I stared at them.

" Good morning boys." I cleared my throat, watching their ears flicker at my voice, followed by the audible sound of their heads snapping towards me. Their forlorn looks twisted into a dazzling smiles I was suddenly attacked by ten pairs of arms and a set of blubbering hybrids.

Co-Exist {BTS hybrid AU}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt