Thirty Five// Love boat🎀

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I was recovering fine. I was no longer in need of the bandages,my head stitches had long fallen off and my wounds where healing just fine.

I'm grateful for the flowers from Kiki,the support Tomiwa has shown despite my absence in the office,Chucks never ending stories is something I'm never gonna forget. He never did say what really happened to his son. I guess it's something I'd just never get find out.

I'm thankful for the prayers from my family and the support from friends. I think it was through the hard times I really got to see the love that was lingering all around me.

I got to meet Gideon's sister but I only got to really know how in the process of my recovery. She was fun. She was loud,I can say more loud than Jasmina, always having something to say. She kinda like got along with David pretty well,much more than I did with him. She taught him how to play board games such as chess and snakes and ladder ladder. She even taught him to play cards. She  gave me little tips on how to handle the little rascal. Kind of cool to see that much had changed for the better when I woke up from the long nape(my induced coma).

I was actually confined to a wheelchair for a while. I guess the wheelchair was like taking a break from walking.

My stay in the hospital was probably for around 4months or maybe more.  . I'm not so sure about the figure coz well I was unconscious for a while.


Months went by and I could say everything was turning out to be fine. I was no longer on wheelchair and from time to time I didn't need the aid of a walking stick.

I lost the case against Rebecca's family,we filed an appeal and I one that one,my license was given back to me but then I didn't want to go back to being the usual psychologist.

Jasmina allowed me to help her out with her small pastry shop. Things didn't work out well at first for both of us because it took a while for me to really adapt to everything but in the end things turned out for the better.


We were having this delivery for this client at the train station. It seemed a bit weird. Why the train station?

I left quite early but then traffic was really bad.

The weather didn't seem like one I could trust but then I forgot to carry and umbrella along.

I got to the train station and began to wait for this client. Everywhere got dark and the client wasn't showing up I wanted to leave the delivery on a waiting bench with a note but then it wouldn't be a good idea. I decided to wait a bit longer.

I wanted and well,I think I was the only one there. Everywhere got quiet,too quiet for my liking but still I was willing to wait.

The client didn't show up. It was disappointing to have waited for nothing.

I walked to a spot I felt stopping a cab would be much easier but the then with  some kinda feeling of disappointment.

I was feeling disappointed and now getting wet.

Still waiting for a cab,I could hear some kinda background music. Someone was heading my way with the music box,with an umbrella.

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