Twenty// Chucks🎀

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Chucks had already finished four glasses and he was still lusting for more. I was still battling with just one glass, taking sip after sip.

We were enjoying each other's company, I mean,he was enjoying my company. He was much of a talker unlike me, the kind of less talker person.  I could say we were getting along pretty well.

" So ehmm, tell me something." He said, trying to engage in an idle conversation.
"What?" Curious and a little bit unease.
"Tell me a little bit bout yourself?" Says with and inquisitive look and awkward smile.
"Why?" Wasn't what I intended too say but anyways it was what voiced out of my lips.
"Ehmm,coz we are friends!" With a bright smile, reviling all his lost tooth.
"Right!" Said whispering to myself.
"Or are we enemies?" The question makes me feel like I've gat some kinda silly stereotype.
"No,I guess!" I'm not so sure though.
"So tell me more about yourself!" He's talking with more confidence than ever.
"There's nothing much too talk about me!" I said with intentions to wave the question away.
"Really?" Doesn't feel so.
"Yeah,I don't like talking about myself and personal life!" Enough reason to cause a change of topic,I guess.
"What's there to hide?" He doesn't know when to give up. I bet he's one of those people that believe in never give up.
"Many things!" A silly answer.
"Like?" He's too inquisitive.
"Nothing!" Another silly answer.
"Yeah!" Enough to shut his mouth for a while.

He goes quiet for about a minute or two then starts again.

"Look,let's do it like this..." I suggest a solution.
"If I'm gonna talk about myself, something personal, you're gonna do the same." Problem solved,I hope.
"Okay!" He naively agrees without letting me finish.
" I'm not done!"
"You'll go first!" I add.
"Sure thing,lad." Well looks like he's in.
" So,what do you wanna know about me?"
"Ehmm..." I ponder a bit, wasn't sure what to ask coz it wasn't what I signed up for.
"Maybe everything about you?" Doesn't seem like a clear answer.
"Like maybe your early years, your kid..." I try to elaborate more on what I said.
"I still don't understand?" Having a confuse look on.
"Your boy..."
"What about him?" He asks.
"What was he like." I kinda feel I was beginning to act like Ruth,funny and a bit awkward.
"He was everything one could wish for!"
"In my entirely meaningless life,I can say he was the definition of meaning in it..." Adds gazing into his cup,lost in his head.

From those few words,we embarked on a seemingly endless journey through his back story, wasn't what I signed up for but guess I just had to play along and hope it lead to something exciting.

According to him,he came from a broken background. His both parents,poor,when I mean poor,poor to the bones. He was lucky to have finished highschool with their little savings. For the tertiary years,he had to fend for himself and pursue his high degree career all by himself. He was lucky to have graduated but finding a job was hell.

He had a piece of shitty paper he worked his entire life to earn but was useless. Back then,to get work you needed to have connections, connections with people from higher authority and recommendations from them. He was lucky to secure work that required his skill rather than his degree though the pay was low,but it was enough to get run his life for a while.

"I think after graduation, living under my parents roof and working few jobs, I managed to saved up enough savings to rent an apartment of my own." He said still gazing in deep thoughts.

"I was young living the bachelor's life; I was probably 26 or so, balling if I may say. After succeeding to leave my parents house in 1978, I thought I'd arrived, living the life I wanted."

"I think I may have digested too much of that quote that said live life and each day as if it were your last without understanding the content of it." Me, just sat quiet listening to what he voices out. I couldn't help but wonder how the fun,all holy holy Chucks lived an unholy life; funny right? Everyone sure had a dark past,all playing good guys now and judging other's that fail theirs. I'm beginning to understand what he meant by we were alike.


        Hi guys,Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter. It was like hell coming up with the right elements for this one
Too many writer's block and I e..ven felt like giving up entirely on this one.

Read,vote and do the other stuff wattpad readers do. Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter or maybe not...
     It was bad wasn't it?

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