Chapter Ten:

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Esme stood up and wrapped her arms around Carlisle's midsection and rested her head against his chest. 

"Now we need to tell the rest of the kids." Esme said. 

"I know. Let me tell my boss and then we'll go home. I'll monitor you just in case the baby has a sudden growth spurt." Carlisle replied. 

Carlisle kissed the top of his wife's head and started to walk backwards hoping that she'll let go. 

"Come on. We need to go and see my boss." Carlisle said. 

Esme broke the embrace and held onto Carlisle's hand as he led the way towards his boss's office

Carlisle knocked and walked in. 

"Hello Dr Cullen, what brings you here?" the doctor asked. 

"My wife's found out she's pregnant and because I've got the qualifications to midwifery, I decided to help her get through it. It means that I won't be able to work here until the baby is born. The baby has showed some signs of growing  quite fast." Carlisle explained as he gently squeezed Esme's hand every fifteen seconds.

"That's okay. I understand that you have children at home so I understand that you are a family man. I will let you stay with your family until the baby is six months old and your wife has a routing with the baby. Let me know when the baby has been born." the boss doctor said.

"I will. We'll probably send pictures of our teenagers with our newborn when it's been born." Carlisle said. 

"We'll make sure. We'll have pictures printed out and send them through the post." Esme said. 

"Luckily Carlisle has your address so I can get some baby pictures." the doc said. 

"We have to pick the kids up from school. Edward's car is broke and has to be repaired." Esme said

"Thank you and see you soon." Carlisle said.

Carlisle and Esme said there final goodbyes and left the doctor's office. They walked out of the hospital doors and made their way to the car.

"You're great at lying." Carlisle said.

"There's only two people I can't lie to..." Esme began.

"...Alice and Edward..." They said together.

"...I know you're pain." Carlisle finished.

They got in the car and laughed. They practically died laughing.

Carlisle drove the pair home while his hand was on Esme's stomach the whole time.

When they parked in the garage, Carlisle and Esme walked towards the house and settled themselves down on the couch. 

"How and when do we tell the others?" Esme asked. 

"Alice and Ed will, most likely, already know, but let's hope that they have enough dignity to not tell the others." Carlisle said.

Esme and Carlisle snuggled into each other before Esme shot up and ran to the bathroom. Carlisle followed. 

Esme threw up into the toilet while Carlisle rubbed her back and kept her hair out of the way.

After she had finished her round of sickness, Carlisle was already ready with a glass of water and a flannel. 

Carlisle led Esme into their bedroom and she laid on the king sized bed. 

A Miracle For Two-An Esme and Carlisle Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now