Chapter 9: Before Sauin

Start from the beginning

"...Bison, could you get me a drink please?" I ask from across the room.

"Can't you just get it yourself?"

"I don't want to wake Sora, she seems to be tired, so I want her to get some rest right now."

"Alright," Bison gets up and heads towards the bar, "So you're sure she's asleep?"

I pause my music and take a look at her...

"Yeah, she's asleep... Why do you ask?"


"Well... this might be a little awkward to ask, but... I was wondering if you two are, well, you know... a thing..." Bison barely manages to get out.

"A couple? No... Thinking about it, I don't really know to describe our relationship. We are definitely closer than friends, but both of us wouldn't say we're together. We're just in this sort of in-between phase I guess."

"Well... Good to know then. You guys just always look like your together, from what I've seen at least. Even before you arrived at the bar she mentioned you most days." Bison explains, "But anyway, what drink do you want?"

"Anything that isn't strong."

"Got it."

The only sound that fills the room is the light clashing of bottles, turning into a solemn pour.


I can feel Sora's breathing on my chest.


Thinking about it, I should really re-evaluate my relationship with Sora.

The more I look at it, the more I see how we really do resemble a couple... The nights where we'd go to someplace one on one together, how she had just casually fallen asleep on my chest in front of the rest of the gang. Anyone looking in from the outside without context would probably...


Am I even ready for a relationship? I never even bothered to think about it until now, but can I even trust myself with someone else's well-being?

As much as I want our relationship to stay like this, it can't.

Something will have to progress between us, whether good or bad, thi-

"...Hello? Anyone there?" Bison waves his hand in front of my face as he tries to hand me my drink.

"Oh sorry, just thinking about things... thanks." I say to him taking it.

"No problem." He replies.

I take a sip of the drink. As Bison heads back to his chair.


Eventually, me and Sora's relationship cannot just be considered "more than friends", something will have to budge, and I can't be caught by it off-guard. I was the one who dreamed of this us being this close, and I can't back away from my own doing.

I take another sip of my drink and glance at Sora.

But for now, let's just focus on tomorrow...


"Beautiful isn't it?" I ask Texas.

"It is." She replies overlooking the skyline.


"You stopped smoking right?" I ask her.

"Yeah, a short bit after you left. I've started to eat chocolate as a sort of replacement, it seems to be working so far." Texas answers, "Why ask?"

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