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Chapter 4


                               Season 3, episode 4

After Stiles told me they were sacrifices and not random killings. I was speechless because anyone could be next who knows they could still be going after virgins and I'm pretty scared cause I know I'm a virgin. And I don't wanna die, not yet. So Stiles and I came up with a plan to take each other's virginity tonight. Even if they're not going after virgins anymore just to be on the safe side. And also because we're ready to.

But anyways I'm getting ready for school. But something feels off, I'm almost done getting ready when I hear a knock on my door I look at Lydia through the mirror. She just shrugs her shoulders. "Come in" I yell "damn couldn't even open the door for your best friend" I hear a familiar voice say, my eyes widen both Lydia and I turn our heads towards the door to see Olivia Ambrose.

We both squeal running up and hugging her tightly. To catch you guys up we've known Olivia since we were three she used to live next door before her and her family moved to New York. "Oh my god, what are you doing here?!" I ask her in excitement

She laughs as we all pull apart "my parents decided to move back to beacon hills because they missed it here and my dad got a way better job here then he had in New York." He informs us "that's amazing!" Lydia beams "so what school are you going to?" I ask her "beacon hills high school duh" she says "that's great, when's your first day?" "Today" she says "that's amazing, we'll give you a ride!" Lydia says

We all make it in the car soon after that "so anything you guys need to catch me up on?" She asks Lydia and I both look at each other 'yeah do you believe in werewolves and other supernatural creatures? Well beacon hills is full of them!' but I didn't say that. "Um not really" I tell her "oh uh Andrea here has a boyfriend." Lydia tells her "oh my god Drea! What's his name?" She asks "stiles" I reply with a smile "his name is stiles" she laughs "hey don't laugh his name is unique" I defend "yeah it is." She laughs "so anything you need to catch us up on" she stays silent for a moment. She looks like she's debating on telling us something or not. "Um nope same old stuff" she laughs. And finally we arrived at school.

So Lydia and I gave her the tour before school started  and then we went to class. I was sitting in class when I hear voices. I turn and look around the class room to see that nobody is talking weird.

Unknown pov:

I'm in the woods meeting up with an old friend I guess you can call him. "Hello K" I hear a voice say "hello Peter." I reply "don't tell me your responsible for the killings going on." I smirk a little "maybe, maybe not" I reply "god you look exactly like her." He says looking at my face. "Well duh, so you find me and tell me to meet you here.  Why?" I ask walking closer

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