Cursed day

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     Richards POV 

I really do love my wife,Grace.She was there when nobody was.She has everything a partner would ask for.But there is something about her that overshadows the good side of her,she is really broken.Thats part of the reason why I married her.I was afraid if someone doesn't fill the void in her,, love her the way she wants,she will do something to herself.She is mentally unstable,noone can really notice, she's really good at hiding.I didn't know until one day I come home from work,sky was still a little child,one month old.Grace was bathing the baby and I was sitting across her and suddenly her phone rang and she dropped the baby as if it was just something.The baby started crying and she did nothing so I took sky and tried to calm her down.

It was then that Grace approached me very concerned

"What happened,why is she crying, what did you do to her?"

"Calm down Grace, take a deep breath"

"Don't tell me to calm down when you want to harm my child"She reached for a fork ,she must have been eating with

it ,she pointed it at me"give me back my baby"I had never seen Grace give me those eyes, fierce.i give the baby to her, and ran downstairs.

"Oh Hunny, when did you get home I didn't hear you come in?" She asked very concerned.I have never been confused like how I was at that moment,she was acting like everything is okay so I said nothing about the incident.She can be a lot to deal with she has these breakdowns randomly,,she lies about following the prescription of her psychologist,,she drains you.I thought I was strong enough to endure her for the rest of my life furthermore staying by her side was the only way I had thought of showing how grateful I was for everything she had done for me but I couldn't anymore.

I feel like I need to get out of this marriage before we be two broken people.

Sky's POV

On Sunday e afternoon I was  playing outside and my mum calls me inside and near the door was two suitcases.She sat me down and dad was beside her.

"Sky ,baby we are going to leave this place to go and stay at grandma's.Dad and I have decided to divorce".I couldn really hear her voice breaking down.i saw her fight tears she was really sad As they tried to explain what divorce was my mind wandered off and the next thing I realize is dad hugging me goodbye and just like that our little family broke.

We were on our way to grandma when mum got a call that someone broke into grandma's house and took the money that was in the safe and had shot her near the heart.Mom started driving faster she didn't see the truck because I guess the tears in her eyes made her vision blurry and the next thing I hear is the loud screeching of brakes and we rolled several times.That was the last memory I have of that day.

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