1 - Where it All Began

Start from the beginning

Natasha smiled in greeting to the woman and said, "you're almost late."

"Almost." The woman pointed out, smiling. "What's the latest?" she asked.

"Indian Ocean," Natasha answered. "You better buckle up."

The woman nodded and stepped past the crowd of her teammates to the front of the ship. A tall figure stood with his back to her.

"Who's this guy?" She asked Natasha.

The man turned around, revealing a large, heavily built frame, blonde hair, striking eyes, and.. a shield.

The woman felt a smile tug at the corners of her lips as she recognized him. "Captain Rogers." She said, surprised. "How nice of you to join us."

The Captain dipped his head. "And I am joining..?"

"Emersyn Sharp." The woman answered, smiling. "pleasure to meet you."

Her smile was contagious and immediately transferred to Rogers' face. "The pleasure's all mine."

She thought she saw him stare as she turned away, but there was no mistaking the suggestive smirk on Natasha's face. Emersyn brushed past her and whispered, "stop it."
Nat chuckled and went to speak with Rogers.

Emersyn hadn't dated at all in her life unless she counted her one middle school relationship that lasted four days, and Natasha could not sit by and watch her be single. She always said, "you're too pretty to not have guys chasing you around." Natasha had been trying to get Emersyn to hook up with some of the S.H.I.E.L.D guys, but every time she refused.

Excited tingling sensations crawled up her spine as she sat down and felt her cheeks flush red. Emersyn couldn't believe she was on a mission with Captain America; she had wanted to meet him ever since Fury announced he joined S.H.I.E.L.D.

To pass time, Emersyn was fidgeting in one of the plane's seats trying to make herself comfortable for the long journey. Her eyes traveled around the room as the quinjet took to the skies. The S.T.R.I.K.E team was chatting amongst themselves, and Nat and Steve kept glancing over at her.

Emersyn couldn't help but smile to herself and let her mind wander freely. There was about a 90-minute wait until they arrived, so it would be a perfect opportunity to catch up with Natasha while they waited. Maybe she could even get to know the Captain. While debating over whether or not she should make a move and invite Rogers to chat, she was surprised to see the man himself walking over to her.

He seemed hesitant and by the way, he was walking, scared, although his stone-faced expression tried to hide it. Their eyes met, hers expectant and his nervous. Rogers paused and tilted his head as if he were asking permission.

In response, Emersyn smiled warmly and gestures to a seat next to her. "Hello, again."

"Hi." He breathed as he sat down. "Ms. Sharp, right?"

"Yes, but Emersyn is fine." She replied.

Steve flashed her a quick smile. "Okay."

"And, uh...Captain..." Emersyn paused, "am I ordered to call you that?"

Rogers shrugged, "No, I don't think so... well, I don't know, but..er.. not on my orders."

Emersyn raised her brows happily. "Well, Steve, I guess we're on a first-name basis already. Look at that."

He chuckled briefly before studying his shoes beneath him. There was an awkward silence as they both waited for each other to speak.

"Are you on-?"

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