Emma enters the kitchen after feeding Max.

"Oh my God, buddy. You look so adorable." Emma coos, pinching Cam's cheeks.

Cam turns his head around, huffing and glaring at Emma. He sticks his tongue out at Emma, then goes back to sucking his sippy cup.

"Fiona, this kid hates me." Emma huffs out.

"Maybe try to be little nicer to him." Fiona puts Cam's breakfast on his highchair tray.

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Emma takes her seat. She obviously is just joking.

Fiona puts their plates on the table and ties a bib around Cam's neck. She takes a seat beside him.

Cam immediately starts eating with his hands, making a mess.

The other two start eating too.

Fiona is wiping Cam's face and hands with baby wipes when suddenly the bell rings.

"I'm getting it." Emma goes to see who it is. Max, as usual, showing up right at that moment.

Emma opens the door to see the toys that they ordered for Cam, have arrived.

"What are all of these?" Fiona asks when Emma brings one of the many boxes in the living room.

"Surprise." Emma replies, chuckling.

"The things we ordered yesterday." Emma explains when she notices Fiona dumbfounded.

"Oh." Fiona finally realizes. "Let me help." She goes to help Emma.

"OUT!" Cam shouts. "Wanna see surprise!" He wiggles in his highchair to get out of the highchair.

"One second, pumpkin." Emma unbuckles the harness of the highchair, setting him on the floor.

They make their way to the front door, where they see Max sniffing every single box.

"What are these, mama?" Cam asks, looking up at Fiona.

"We'd find out in a bit, baby. Let's wait until then." Fiona ruffles his hair.

"Help me, don't just watch." Emma says, bringing another box inside the house.

"Max, please watch Cam for me, will you?" The dog seems to perfectly understand the assignment as he sits beside Cam.

Fiona and Emma start going back and forth with the boxes. On the other hand, Cam is trying to push a small box inside.


"Open them up, love." Fiona encourages Cam. They are sitting on the floor in the living room, in front of the boxes.

Cam tries his very best to tear the packaging, but fails to do so. In anger and frustration, he kicks the box.

"Woah, calm down buddy." Emma pulls Cam to her lap, stroking his hair.

"We do not kick, baby. And we do not get angry on small things. Understand, baby?" Fiona holds Cam's hand, looking at him.

"B... But it no open." Cam tries to explain himself. "Didn't mean to make you mad, mama." Cam tears up, slightly.

"No, no I'm not mad, baby." Fiona pulls Cam into her own lap. "I could never be mad at you." She rubs his back.

"Now, let's open them together." Emma cheers out, trying to brighten up the baby's mood.

Emma and Fiona help Cam to open the first box.

"YAY! TOYS" Cam bounces in Fiona's lap.

"Fank you, mama." "Fank you Emma" Cam hugs both of them, lisping because of his fingers in his mouth.

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