A Streetcar Named Desire

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"We're going to buy her some time, keep the Strix occupied." Hayley said. "I'll need Daniel and Emma's help." Freya said. The twins nodded. Lucien scoffs and turns to Marcel. "Wait, so you want me here holding hands with the leftover sister, the tribrid and the heretic while you take the toddlers and tackle the Strix? You must be jok--" Lucien said but Daniel smirks before making his eyes go solid white, causing Lucien's neck to snap. Stefan turns to Daniel and gives him a hilariously impressed look. "Huh, that was impressive." Stefan said. Daniel smirked. "Well, we work better with quiet." Daniel said.

"Wait, so the plan is that the four of us are gonna keep one hundred of the world's most ancient vampires occupied?" Marcel asked, referring to himself, Hayley, Mia and Stefan. "Well, there could be another way..." Stefan said. Marcel gives Stefan a curious look. "All you have to do is get us to the front door." Stefan said.


Lucien has just awakened from his snapped-neck-nap to find that Freya, Daniel and Emma have tied him to a wooden chair with vervain ropes. They've filled the room with dozens of lit white candles, and is standing over an end table with more candles and herbs set up. Hanging from a string above them is what looks like some kind of large insect, as well as a dead rodent of some sort. "Onlucan et permette mon osti--" The three chanted. Just then, Lucien petulantly interrupts her. "Did you have to tie me up?" Lucien asked. Freya sighs and walks over to him. "I need you not to move." Freya said. "You're a dark one, Freya Mikaelson!" Lucien said amused. Freya rolls her eyes and kneels so she can tighten the ropes binding Lucien to the chair to ensure he won't move around much.

"Vervain ropes, penetrating spells... Throw in a Pinot and a cheap motel, and you've got the beginnings of a romance!" Lucien said. "Ewww!" The twins said. "Well, you'd have to survive this first. You see, there's an anchor locking my brothers inside. Something representational." Freya said. Every time Freya tightens the ropes, Lucien grimaces in pain, but he can't help but smile as he watches her work. "That's why they can't get out. But, me, Daniel and Emma are going to bust into this little mental prison and shatter it from the inside... And, it's going to take most of our power and probably all of yours." Freya said.

"Oh, love, my stamina's never been an issue. Go on, have at it. I'll be bound to the edge of my seat until your return." Lucien said flirtatiously. Freya smirks and rolls her eyes once again before standing and walking over to the coffee table, which is also covered in candles, and kneeling between it and the couch, taking a deep breath before she starts her spell in earnest. She raises her arms so that her palms are hovering flat above the candle flames. Daniel and Emma walk over and mirror her actions. "Onlucan et permette mon ostium." The three chanted. Lucien immediately starts groaning and writhing in his chair.

"Onlucan et permette mon ostium. Onlucan et permette mon ostium..." The three chanted. Lucien continues to moan in agony as a wind blows through the room, causing all of the hanging spell implements. "Dia a la vida!" The three chanted.

Chambre De Chasse

Freya, Daniel and Emma has finally just appeared inside the Chambre De Chasse, where Klaus and Elijah seem to be in a verbal standoff with Tristan and Aurora. The three waste no time rushing toward them and giving them their instructions. "Quickly. Find me what represents you in here." Freya said. Klaus smirks at the sight of them, but before any of them can react further, Klaus' throat suddenly splits open as though someone has slit it with a blade, causing Klaus to gasp and choke up blood. Elijah begins to panic when he sees Klaus' condition. "Niklaus!" Elijah exclaimed.

Klaus stumbles to the ground. "Niklaus!" Elijah repeated. Just then, Elijah's throat is slit as well. Klaus and Elijah are both gripping their throats and trying to staunch the bleeding as they gasp and choke on blood, and Freya, Daniel and Emma look absolutely horrified. "Oh God. It's starting." Emma said. Freya kneels on the floor in front of Elijah and Klaus, who are on their hands and knees and gasping as they try to staunch the blood flow from their slit throats. Behind them is Tristan and Aurora, who are watching silently. "We need you to focus. Show us what represents you so we can break you out." Freya said. Aurora starts to walk toward Freya to stop her but Daniel uses his magic to freeze her and Tristan in place as Klaus manages to growl under his breath.

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