07. crazy attracts crazy

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We stepped into the mansion with nothing but silence surrounding us. Dante was pissed and he was not doing anything to hide it. His baby blue eyes held a cold glare, his jaw clenched as his lips were pressed into a hard line. His knuckles were turning white from how hard he was clenching his fists together.

His simple stance could scare anyone around him. I, however, was used to this broody mood of his. I knew he would do nothing to me. His love would not allow him to, but there was no stopping his fury toward Derek. I turned to my brunette friend that stood a few feet behind me. He was petrified.

       "You may leave us," Dante snapped his finger dismissing his soldiers. "Except you, Derek."

       I watched as Derek swallowed the lump in his throat. His hazel brown eyes were filled with nothing but fear, a fear without compare.

       "Y-Yes sir," he said in a shaky voice.

       "I offered you my trust," Dante's gaze was directed at Derek, drilling a hole on his head. "Yet you defied me. You went against MY authority and aided my fiancé in her near-escape."

       "I-I am sorry, sir," Derek's eyes fell to floor trying to avoid Dante's piercing blue eyes.

       Dante let out a sigh as he walked over to the nearby liquor stand. He opened a bottle of whiskey and poured into one of the empty glasses with perfectly round ice. He took his time savoring the burning liquor before he finally turned to us.

       "I should have you killed," he began as he set down his drink. The clinking of the ice against the glass filled the silence. "But you proved your loyalty, although not to me, but to my bride. I need that in my soldiers and I believe that with time your loyalty will also reside with me."

       Derek looked relived as Dante adjusted his cufflinks. It was a habit he had when asserting his dominance and upmost authority.

       "I will not have you harshly punished this time, but test me again and I will make sure you understand who is boss," Dante's final words were filled with a threatening tone.

       "Y-Yes sir," Derek nodded.

       "Go find Tomas, he will tell you what your disobedience earned you," Dante growled and Derek scurried away.

       "And may I ask what his punishment is?" I raised an eyebrow with curiosity. I was but scared that he would have Derek tortured or something.

       Dante rolled his eyes as if reading the overdramatized scenario I had in my head.

       "He is going to wash the floors," Dante answered casually leaving me surprised but relieved. "—With a toothbrush."

        I wanted to slap away the humorous smile he had on the corner of his lips. I narrowed my eyes at him as a frown set on my lips. It felt like the only thing I had been doing the past few days was frowning.

       "You are despicable," I spat out as I tried to walk past him, but he grabbed onto my arm and pulled me back. His eyes had turned a shade darker with anger.

       "I should be the one mad right now cara mia," Dante growled as he inched his face closer to mine. He really thought he could scare me. "I have been keen in keeping to our deal, yet you try to take me for a fool and escape a second time."

       "Why wait five months when I can leave now?" I mocked defiantly.

       "We made a deal Bella," Dante's menacing voice became lower and huskier. "You stick to your end and I'll stick to mine."

       "We'll see about that," I snapped as I snatched my arm from his grip. I stomped past him, my heels clicking harshly against the tile floor as I retreated toward my room.

       The double-doors slammed loudly making the nearby paintings rattle. I wanted to throw something, to punch something. Dante always had a way of fueling an irritating anger inside of me that could only be sedated by two things... sex or violence.

       "He won't want to keep me here if I make his life a living hell," I told myself as a maniacal plan began to form inside my mind.

       I hurriedly walked out of my room and made my way through the maze-like corridors. I stopped when I reached the double-doors that led into Dante's master bedroom. I reached my hand toward the wooden doors clenched in a fist. I softly knocked twice and was left with no answer. I took that as my cue to walk inside.

       Dante's room reflect his persona. It was decorated in a dark palette, no sign of any brightness nor color. There were black satin sheets on his king-sized bed that matched the satin curtains draped over the large windows. The room was dimly lit by a golden chandelier.

My gaze travelled through the room until it landed on the black wooden door that led to his walk-in closet. I stalked toward his previous room.

I picked up all the clothes I could and carried them out toward the balcony doors. I picked up the thingies shirts and began tearing them. All my anger was directed onto those clothing items.

My eyes lit up when I noticed the nearby candleholder with the fiery candles. I opened the balcony doors and looked down to the glistening pond. I smirked as I picked up on of the candles and began setting his precious designer clothes on fire. I threw them out the window and watched the items continue to be consumed by the red flames as they fell into the pond.

"Ma'am what are you doing?!" Gabriella, one of the maids shrieked upon seeing the sight.

"I thought my dear husband-to-be needed a wardrobe cleaning," I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Ms Moretti, please. Stop!" Gabriella begged but I ignored her and continued setting the various clothing items on fire before throwing them out the window into the pond. "The Don is going to be furious if he sees you. Please, Ms Moretti, please."

"Amore mio, cosa hai fatto?" Dante gasped as he stepped into his room upon hearing Gabriella's panicked cries.

I ignored his question and continued to set the designer clothes on fire. His eyes widened when I picked up his favorite blazer. It was a one of a kind piece by one of his favorite designers.

"Don't. Do. It." His gaze became threatening, but I did not care. I held the end of the blazer close to the candle letting the fire slowly consume it. That was the breaking point. "Sei pazza Samantha!"

I smirked triumphantly as I let the lit blazer fall onto the pond with the rest of Dante's toasted clothes. I turned to Dante with a smug gaze.

"Crazy attracts crazy, amore mio," I replied.

Author's Note Hola my lovelies! Happy Wednesday, finally the middle of the week

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Author's Note
Hola my lovelies! Happy Wednesday, finally the middle of the week. So... this chapter was a little bit crazier than the others. We are starting to see a more bolder side Samantha, her Moretti side. How many of you are shipping Dante and Sam? I am on the fence on which ship is better but I think I am unintentionally creating more chemistry between Sam and Dante than Brian and Sam.

Next update will be on Friday and I may take a hiatus next Monday. I will let you guys know through the announcements. But I will see you all  Friday with the next chapters.
Xoxo Liz 💋💋💋

Song: This Is War - Matthew Raetzel ft. Richard Farrell

Forbidden Attractions (Book #2)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara