05. remedy for heartbreak

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"I think you make great husband material," her smile reached each corner of her lips as her ocean blue eyes beamed with happiness.

"What makes you think that?" I cocked ny head to the side with a curious, almost teasing smirk.

The half-naked brunette in front of me tapped her chin in a thoughtful manner. Her eyes looked up to the left deep in thought.

"You are handsome, you can cook," she put up one finger as she went down the list. "You are amazing in bed."

"Am I now?" I teased and her cheeks turned a deep shade of red.

Her loud giggles filled the room as I launched toward her. I engulfed her in a hug as I tackled her back onto the bed. As I hovered over her, she stared up at me with a toothy grin.

"I love you Brian," she said in a low tone. Her voice was soft and genuine.

       I perched over her and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and then down to her button nose until  I reached her soft, plump lips.

       "And I love you Samantha," I whispered back.

The light knock at the door pulled me out of my dreams. I buried my face into the fluffy pillow beside me. I hoped the action would shield me from the truth.

       The door swung open and I could hear the patter of my roommates footsteps. As she neared, I groaned in annoyance knowing what was going to happen next.

"Brian you must leave this bed one day or another," it was the same lecture from yesterday and the day before.

"I don't want to," I retaliated, but Eloise did not seem to care what I said.

       She opened the linen curtains on my windows exposing the bright morning sun. I blocked the sudden rays of sun with my gray sheets. However, Eloise pulled them off of me in a swift move.

       "Come on," Eloise struggled to pull me out of the bed. Her small frame was nothing compared to mine, but I groggily sat up.

       "Aren't you supposed to be in London covering some news or something?" I sassed while rubbing my tired eyes. They were swollen from all the crying and sleepless nights.

"Ms Anastasia Pennington took my spot," Eloise huffed as she pulled out a shirt and pair of pants from my drawer. "Can you believe she gets to go to London and cover the arrival of Dante Villanueva just because her daddy owns the NY Business Outlet?"

"Wait, Dante Villanueva the famous Italian multi-millionaire?" I asked and Eloise nodded.

"He is starting a new modeling agency in London and expanding his jewelry store chain," Eloise replied.

Eloise's phone chimed loudly and she turned to it with an annoyed expression. She rolled her eyes upon seeing the message.

"It's Anastasia bragging about being one of the first reporters to capture Mr Villanueva's arrival," she stuck her tongue out in disgust as she opened the video.

"Hello my fellow New Yorkers, I am Anastasia Pennington reporting from London where one of our favorite business men has arrived. You can see him exiting his private jet and—Oh, it appears he has brought someone special. I wonder who that beautiful brunette by his side is."

"Oh shit," Eloise gasped and my eyebrows knitted together in confusion.

"What is it?" I asked.

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