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"Thank you Wayne, for the lift." Chloe said as Kagami helped Adrien carrying Adrien inside the hotel.

Damian nodded, "No problem, avoid going out tonight it's dangerous. The police just caught a whiff of villain activity in the hospital." Chloe hummed, staring at Kagami and then back at Damian.

"Is she alright?" Chloe asks.

"Yes, I have a doctor watching on her. Turns out, my father's card is not useless, after all." He chuckles darkly.

"Good." Chloe said blankly as she fished out her money to Damian.

"Here, buy her purple tulips and red peonies... in a potted plant..." Damian accepted the money and puts it in his pocket chest.

He notices that Chloe was hesitant to leave...

"What is the matter...?" He asks her.

Chloe looked frustrated and tired but sighs in the end.

"Dreams... I been having these dreams since I came here... connected to Mari..." Chloe spoke, gulping down her restlessness down the throat.

"What were these dreams you're having...?" Chloe snaps at him, fearfully...

"I... uh... I'm... I saw Marinette... no... she was not Marinette..." Damian wanted to force her to speak clearly but he could see tears and her fears seeping out.

"She looks like Marinette... only with the longest hair I've ever seen... she was happy living her life..." Damian escorted her to the nearest bench in front of the hotel to rest their legs.

"And then what happens?" He rests his back and pulled Chloe to his side, caressing her hair.

"... She was burned... there were people... screaming at her, throwing stones and foods at her, they were screaming... that she was a witch..."

"How strange that is..."

Chloe nodded.

"That scariest part was that... she said she'd put a curse on them... that someone who bore her with the same face will be her gateway to come back..."

"What else did she say...?"

Chloe shook her head gently, "No, she did not say anything else... rather, everything felt real... I felt like I was there..."

Damian hummed, tilting his head to the side, staring the large building in front of him.

"Why don't you head to bed, Kagami is waiting for you. I'll ask father to cancel your itinerary tomorrow. The class will have a free day to wander around Gotham. This will be the chance for the three of you to visit her..."

Chloe sat straight, avoiding deep emerald eyes staring at her...

"... I'm scared..." Damian rose his bow in confusion.

"what is there to be afraid of? It's Marinette we're talking about." Damian assured her but she snapped at him.

"I know!" She yelled breathlessly.

"I know..." tears streamed from her sky blue eyes, lips quivering.

"I'm happy to see her... what I'm scared is that she won't be Marinette..." Damian took a notice her trembling hands and held it.

"what do you mean...?" He asks.

Chloe gulps down an looks at him in fear...

"I'm afraid that what I see will be not her but the woman in my dreams..."

Damian nodded and escorted her at the entrance.

"Sleep for tonight my friend, you are tired." Chloe stared at him and then sighed in defeat...

Damian waited until Chloe got on the elevator and then he went to his car and his driver drove to his home.

The driver didn't notice...

How Damian was trembling... like he was holding his breath in. Refusing to breathe.


"Damian, welcome home! Dinner is already set. Are you hungr—"

"I have already eaten, no need to wait for me..."

Dick and Tim watches as Damian strode upstairs leaving from their sight until they heard the door slammed shut.

"What was that?" Jason asked, entering from the kitchen.

Tim shrugged and sets hi laptop on the table.

"Hey! No gadgets on the table Tim!" Dick ordered.

"Uh huh..." Tim continued.


Damian puked out his lunch and dinner onto the toilet. He was sweating crazy, eyes wide and shaking. Damian felt tranquilized, feeling dizzy and sweaty...

His conversation with Chloe brought him to this current...

Damian washed his face and wiped it with towel and sat on the bed, staring into nothingness.

He had the same dream with Chloe...

In the dream he saw her from different angle...

He was outside and chained to the side. He could see Marinette but it was not her. But he in his dream felt emotions towards this woman...

In his dream, he screamed her name and reached his arms to her but was restrained.

"No! No! Don't!"

"Ahhh! It burns!"

"Stop! I love her! Stop it!"

"Hahahaha, as expected, the dark knight and the witch belongs to each other!"

"You bastard! She is innocent! Innocent I tell you! That woman you see as a saint is a fake!"

"Runt! Watch your tongue! You're lucky the king spares you or you'd be beside the witch burning."

In his dreams, he in his dreams loved the framed witch despite not knowing.

He loved her so much he...

"N-no! Spare me! I'll give you anything you want! Money! Women! The kingdom! Anything!"

"... Anything...?"

"Y-yes...! Anything, please spare me!"

"Then, I want her back... alive..."

"I can't do that...?

"You can't? Then i supposed you cannot live."


He saw the lengths the man would go through everything for the sake of the framed witch.

Even going through every library on how to bring her back standing behind the burning kingdom who burned her.

"She'll come back with the same face... then i too, will come for her... i love you too much to let you go, my love..."

Even if she didn't love him...

"Maybe in my next life, you will love me too..."

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