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I went out to buy lunch for myself since my mother had an afternoon shift and I am all alone at home. Today is my day off from work. So I decided to stay at home to enjoy my peace.

When I was walking, I heard someone call me a loser.

I turned behind to see Kim Namjoon and his goons.

I rolled my eyes.

“What do you want? Was the punch you did to me at the last party not enough yet?”

He walked closer to me.

“Nope. I am still unsatisfied. I just want to punch every one of your guts till you die.”
He chuckled.


I walked off. It's not like I am a coward. It's just that I have no mood to fight or argue.

“What did you just say?”

I turned around.

“i said patheti-”

I hadn't finished my sentence when he punched my face hardly. I was hit to the ground. I get up and punch him back hard. We started punching each other. My lips started bleeding.

Many crowded passersby were watching us.

I wanted to do my last punch when someone hold me back, stopping me from doing the move.

I look behind to see Lee Seokmin. Again. I sighed.

“Kim Namjoon. Stop your act and leave.”
Seokmin said, harshly with a death stare.

“What are you even doing here?”
I asked.

“I was shopping for shoes and saw you being such a nuisance fighting with the Kim Namjoon gang. Follow me to the car.”

I followed him and went into his car.

He looked at me.

“Why do you have to bring trouble with you, Lee Chan? Stop messing around with them”

“Me messing with them? Why does it have to be me? I want to have a great day today. They wanted to fight me. I wanted to leave them alone. But I didn't know they would immediately attack me. They started it first.”

“Okay, I'm sorry. I will tell Kim Namjoon and his gang to leave you alone after this”

He smiled.

“Where are you bringing me?”

“My apartment”

“Fucking idiot. I want to go back to my home”

“You have bruises and blood on your face. I can't let you go like that.”

We reached his apartment.

I sit on his bed while he is preparing all the stuff needed for my bruising face.

Why do we always meet each other? I don't like it. I hate him. Why does god make me see him every day? I didn't even wish it to happen.

“Come. Look up”
He gently holds my chin while cleaning my face.

I winced in pain.

“It's okay”

He said in a soft tone.

His touch was soft.

I look at his face, just to see his face in HD mode.

He is kind of attractive. Not bad himself.

We suddenly made eye contact. I look away.

“Am I that attractive, Chan?”
He smirked.

 hatred ~ love | seokchan instagram ffWhere stories live. Discover now