party disaster 2

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I was drinking with Vernon when we saw a crowd.

“Sol, what's going on there?”
I asked Vernon.

He shrugged his shoulders. We went into the crowd to see Lee Chan on the floor, unconscious.

I eyed up and saw Kim Namjoon. Kim Namjoon is one of my friends. He is bipolar and is very hard to manage his emotions.

“Namjoon, what did you do?” I asked.

“He's my enemy. I hit him because I hate him”

I sighed.

“Namjoon, just go. I will deal with this.”

Namjoon and his gang went off.

I looked behind to see Chan's best friends, Mingyu and Soonyoung being worried. They looked drunk too.

I came to them.

“Let me deal with him. Both of you are drunk. I'm still sober. I will return him to both of you guys tomorrow. It will be fine. Trust me.”

I patted Mingyu's shoulders.

Both of them nodded.

Vernon stopped me.

“Do you ever think Chan will be happy though? What if he starts punching you as soon as he wakes up?” Vernon asked.

“I can deal with him. Don't worry.”
I smirked.

I carried him to my car and brought him to my apartment.

Should I put his body on the couch or my bed? Isn't putting someone's drunk body on the couch being mean? Maybe I should let him be in the bed with me.

I carried him to the bed.

Should I remove his clothes?

I shook my head. He's gonna think I'm sexually assaulting him.

You're such a troublemaker, Lee Chan.

I covered him with a blanket.

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