"You're gonna be late!" Devon shouted. "We have to hurry. Take the secret passageway!"

They made it, her friends complaining about how they were three minutes late. She was slightly upset too, but more nervous than anything else. She was going on a date with Charlie Weasley. The Charlie Weasley.

Now if only her friends would stop their bickering. It was attracting the attention of the waiting several students.

"Hey," a voice said quietly from behind her and she whirled around to see the one and only grinning Charlie Weasley.

"Hi," she said just as quietly with a grin. He nodded behind her where her friends were still bickering. She was pretty sure they hadn't even noticed him yet.

"I heard your friends."

"Yeah," she said looking over her shoulder at them. "I don't think they'll mind if we leave now."

They were cleared by Filch and were soon roaming Hogsmeade.

"Where to first?"

"Do you mind if we go to the Three Broomsticks first?  I didn't get to eat much breakfast."

"Yeah, let's go."

They walked the distance to the Three Broomsticks and were soon seated in a booth.

"I'll go get Butterbears," Charlie said after a moment jumping up. Ellie had just been about to get up, but she let him go, watching as he went before sighing and tracing the patterns in the wooden top.

"Hey," a voice said and she looked up to see James dropping into the seat across from her where Charlie had been. He was pulling down a girl, who did not look happy to be there.

"What's up?"

"Not much," James said. The girl next to him cleared her throat and he rolled his eyes. "This is Chelsea. Chelsea this is Ellie."

"Nice to meet you," Ellie said holding out her hand. Chelsea ignored her hand and looked her up and down.

"You too, I suppose," Chelsea said before looking down at her nails. James rolled his eyes again and Ellie had to wonder why he was even here with her. Except for the fact that she was extremely pretty, she wasn't the type James usually went out with. Or maybe he just introduced her to the nice ones.

James and Ellie chatted idly, but Chelsea did not look up till Charlie was sliding in next to Ellie, passing her one of the two Butterbears he held.

"Why didn't you get me any Butterbeer," she whined turning to James.

"I thought you said you didn't want any," James said clearly exasperated.

"Yeah, well I changed my mind," she said. James sighed, but stood up and went over to the bar to get Butterbears. As soon as he was out of hearing, she turned away from him and to Charlie. "I'm Chelsea."

Ellie frowned at the way her voice sounded like a purr.

"Charlie W-"

"Weasley. I know."

"Right," Charlie said raising his eyebrows at her before turning to Ellie. "So, I'm almost done with the dragon book Elisha."

Her smile grew larger. She was practically bouncing in her seat. "Sweet! What do you think?"

"Well, I never thought Dragons were interesting till I started reading it," he said with a chuckle.

"My favorites are the Swedish Short-Snout and the Ukrainian Ironbelly," Ellie said brushing her hair out of her face. They both had their whole upper bodies turned towards each other, completely ignoring Chelsea, who was not happy about that. She kept trying to interrupt with giggling words about dragons and princess.

"I like the Hungarian Horntail although I don't think I'd ever want to cross roads with one," Charlie said and Ellie nodded in agreement. "I'd love to see a Romanian Longhorn up close though."

"You can only find them at the sanctuary in Romania."

They left once they had finished their drinks and continued to talk about dragons on and off as they visited different stores. They were in Honeydukes when they heard someone calling them and turned to see Tonks tripping towards them.

"Hey Tonks," Ellie said with a grin. Charlie gave a wave with the hand that was not holding Ellie's.

"Hi! Sorry to intrude, but have you seen Christy? We were supposed to meet back here and then head up to the castle for practice," Tonks said, her words tripping almost as much as she did.

"Oh shoot! I forgot I scheduled practice today." she smiled apologetically up and Charlie who grinned and shook his head. "Sorry."

"It's alright. I should probably start on my easy for Charms anyway."

"You haven't started that!"

"I haven't either," Tonks chimed in.

"How? It's like a million feet long!"

They both shrugged and Ellie shook her head muttering about procrastination and bad grades. Christy appeared in the doorway with Davey and Nicole and Ellie waved them over.

"Scottie and Troy wanted to go in Zonko's and Sammy's on a date. They said they'd meet us up there," Christy said. She followed Nicole over to the chocolate frog display and they each bought a few handfuls. Ellie turned around to get them and when she turned back, Davey had more candy than the two of them combined. She gave them a look, but all they did was grin cheekily back causing her to shake her head.

They began the trek to the Quidditch Pitch. Christy was chasing Davey because he stole one of her chocolate frogs. Tonks and Nicole were chatting. Ellie and Charlie were in the back, taking their time. They swung their hands between them as they teased each other. They were the last two to the Quidditch Pitch and Charlie almost didn't leave. He wanted to watch her play. Watch as the wind blew through her hair and the last bits of sunlight shone on her face. But she ushered him away. She did not like the thought of last minute essays. Or him stealing any of their plays.

"'Bout time coach," Davey said when she flew up. "We thought you'd forgotten about us while you were playing kissy face down there."

Ellie scowled at him. "Be glad I don't have anything to throw at you."

"Think fast!" Troy shouted. He threw the Quaffle at her and she caught it in time and raised an eyebrow at him.

"You do realize she can make you do extra laps, right?" Nicole said as Ellie continued to stare him down.

"Yeah, but she wouldn't."

"You don't sound too sure there Troy Madison," Ellie said with an evil grin. She brought her arm back and threw the Quaffle at him as hard as she could. There was a slight 'oof' from him as he caught it and she grinned in triumph. "Alright, come on team. We're here to practice, not gossip."

She gave a pointed look to Tonks and Christy who were whispering and giggling to Scottie. They were hovering just next to where he was sitting in the stands.

Practice was long. Or maybe it just felt long because every time Ellie turned around someone was distracted and she had to get them back on track. Not that she wasn't distracted herself. Finally, with a sigh, she ended practice early. It was more work to keep them on Quidditch than it was worth. They all headed to dinner together, but Ellie lost her team as soon as she walked into the Great Hall and was bombarded by her friends. Not surprisingly, they wanted to hear all about her date and why they had not seen her at Hogsmeade.

04.23.2015 I live for Hilary Duff movies. Which is what I'm watching right now. The Perfect Man. Also, I really want brownies. And I skipped my first class today. Now I'm watching What to Expect when your Expecting movie night time! Well if I don't fall asleep first haha. Okay bye. Don't forget to follow me on Tumblr and leave a comment!!!

✓ Dragons #wattys2016On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara