The Toad

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POV: Shirou

Ryuko transforms into her synchronized mode while I summon Kanshou and Bakuya and get myself in a ready position.

Ryuko/Shirou: "Bring it on!"

Silence. We stood there awkwardly pointing our weapons at Gamagoori, but he didn't move a budge.

Ryuko: "Come on! Whatcha waitin' for?"

Gamagoori: "Why are you in such a hurry? Our battle doesn't begin until 1 o'clock!"

Gamagoori then points to the time. 8:59 AM.

Ryuko: "I'm not gonna stand here and wait til' 1! Come on, let's do this already!"

Gamagoori: "No. We will stick to the schedule. Those are the rules."

Shirou: "Okay, let's just go."

I take Ryuko's hand and we leave.


Ryuko: "That just sucks. We could've been fighting them." 

Shirou: "It's fine. At least we get to eat this delicious lunch!" *munch*

Mako: "Don't worry about! The lunch I made will give you a million horsepower!"

???: "You found yourself in another pickle, you two."

Mako: "Hi Mr. Mikisugi! Did you come here to cheer for Ryuko and Shirou?"

Mr. Mikisugi: "Of course! I am their homeroom teacher, after all."

Mr. Mikisugi puts a pin in Mako's forehead.

Shirou: "Mako!"

Ryuko: "Bastard! What'd you to do her!"

Mr. Mikisugi flips his hair up.

Mr. Mikisugi: "Easy. I just hit a pressure point so we can all talk."

Ryuko: "Fine! But make it quick!"

Shirou: "Relax, Ryuko. Let's just hear what he has to say."

Mr. Mikisugi: "Drop out of the fight with the Elite Four."

Ryuko: "Like hell we will!"

Mr. Mikisugi: "You don't understand. They are a different level than you and Shirou combined. If you're crazy enough to fight all of them in a row, you, Shirou and Senketsu are all gonna be in great danger."

Ryuko: "If you don't want us to fight, then quit talking. We're gonna do it anyway!"

Mr. Mikisugi: "Ryuko..."

Ryuko: "Look. We'll drop out of the fight if you tell me why my dad was killed and who did it."

Mr. Mikisugi: I-I can't do that."

Ryuko then pulls her scissor blade out and points it at Mr. Mikisugi

Ryuko: "Then quit talking! We'll beat the crap out of Satsuki Kiryuin!"

I summon a sword to put Ryuko's blade down. Mr. Mikisugi changes back to his teacher outfit and plucks the needle from Mako. We eat our lunch and get ready for the fight.


We are all on the pillars again. I anxiously look at everyone but try to keep myself cool. 

Satsuki: "Begin."

A loud ring goes off and stairs begin to appear on our pillars that end on the main fighting pillar. Ryuko and I slowly descend while Gamagoori descends on his own.

Ryuko: "Don't forget, he can transform twice. Are you even listening?"

Senketsu: "Wha- Oh. Yes. I was just thinking."

Ryuko: "Thinking of a way to beat him?"

Senketsu: "Maybe."

Ryuko transforms into her synchronized state and I summon Kanshou and Bakuya. We ready ourselves facing Gamagoori.

Gamagoori: "That was your first and last transformation! Matoi!"

Gamagoori then transforms into his Three Star Goku Uniform. 

Three Star Goku Uniform - Shackle Regalia

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Three Star Goku Uniform - Shackle Regalia

Ryuko and I both walk up to him and give him a weird look.

Gamagoori: "What're you two doing? Aren't we gonna fight?"

Kill La Kill: Unlimited Blade Works (Shirou Emiya x Kill La Kill)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt