Double Fight

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Author's Note: It's time...


That night

POV: Ryuko

After that session on the roof, I got off the roof and went into the house. We all ate a big dinner and called it off at that. Mrs. Mankanshoku turns to me and tells me something.

Sukuyo: "Oh, Ryuko. I made a bath for you! Go ahead and enjoy."

Ryuko: "Oh, thank you so much!"

When I closed the curtain, I laughed to myself. Senketsu questioned why.

Senketsu: "What's the laughing matter?"

Ryuko: "Oh it's nothing. I just never had a family dinner before. Didn't know they were so lively."

Senketsu: "What happened to your family?"

Ryuko: "Well, my mom died when I was really young and my dad was a scientist. He sent me off to a boarding school when I was just a kid. I just missed never having a family, but what I also didn't miss was these freakin' perverts!"

I opened the curtains and smacked the boys that were peeking. I closed the curtain and plunges myself in the bath. 

POV: Shirou

I heard Ryuko smacking the boys in the other room. I chuckled to myself a little and then began to practice my magic. I grab a random pipe and say a chant.

Shirou: "Trace, on."

The pipe was glowing and felt even more powerful. I smile and toss it away. I then summon Kanshou and Bakuya, seeing if they can still be used. I swing them around and desummon them. I lay my head down and rest.

After a while, I hear the bathroom door open and I see Ryuko with a towel over. I blush and turn around, praying she didn't see me. After 3 minutes of straight fear, I turn around and there was no one there so I got up and went to the bedroom. I put the blanket over my head and I see Ryuko about to head to bed too.

Ryuko: "Strange, it feels like it has goosebumps for some reason."

Mako and I turn around to see who she's talking to but she's talking to her uniform. We ask her what's wrong and she says it's probably nothing. We all go back to sleep.






POV: Shirou

*Alarm buzzing*

We all groggily wake up to the noise. We get our morning routine going for the day which consists of us brushing our teeth, putting on our uniforms and eating breakfast while we wait for our lunch to be prepared. After eating breakfast, we grab our lunches and put them in our bags. We say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Mankanshoku and we leave for school. 

Ryuko yawns a bit so I ask her a question.

Shirou: "Didn't sleep that good, Ryuko?"

Ryuko: "Yeah, I just felt something really bad was gonna happen today. I don't know why though."

Shirou: "It's probably nothing. Let's just go."

We take the bus to Honnouji Academy. We enter the school and see were are surrounded by flags and 1 star students. Then we see a gleaming, bright light above.

Shirou and Ryuko: "Satsuki Kiryuin!"Satsuki: "Correct, Shirou Emiya and Ryuko Matoi

Hoppla! Dieses Bild entspricht nicht unseren inhaltlichen Richtlinien. Um mit dem Veröffentlichen fortfahren zu können, entferne es bitte oder lade ein anderes Bild hoch.

Shirou and Ryuko: "Satsuki Kiryuin!"

Satsuki: "Correct, Shirou Emiya and Ryuko Matoi."

Ryuko: "I gotta say, this is a fine way of saying good morning. You got something you wanna do with us?" 

Satsuki's heel vibrated as she descends down the stairs.

Satsuki: "Last time I saw you, you said we'd finish this thing." 

Shirou: "She does have a point there. You've been just leaving her dry for the past 2 days."

Ryuko punches my arm and tells Mako to get to safety. She agrees and runs away.

Ryuko: "Well aren't you the unforgetful type. Shirou, you better get ready. Something's about to happen."

Shirou: "Already on it." *holding Kanshou and Bakuya*

Satsuki: "You two shall be my first offering to Junketsu! My very own Kamui."

Shirou: 'Junketsu? Purity?'

Ryuko: "Purity? Didn't know there was anything pure about ya."

Satsuki: "Allow me to show you."

She flips a few switches on her shoulder and transforms. 

Satsuki: Life Fiber Override! Kamui Junketsu!

Kill La Kill: Unlimited Blade Works (Shirou Emiya x Kill La Kill)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt