Honnouji Academy

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"zashu" - Speaking

*points* - Action

'phew' - Thinking


POV: Shirou

I wake up and sit up on the bed. I start to think.

Shirou: 'I can't just sit here all day wondering about where I am. I need to do something!'

Mako wakes up next to me and starts yelling.

Mako: "We're gonna be late! We're gonna be late!!!" 

Shirou: "Late for what? School?"

Mako: "Yes! We have to go quickly!"

I realize that since I came to this place without any record, how was I supposed to get into this school?

Shirou: "Wait. I'm not registered in the school system. What do I do?"

Mako: "My mom was talking about that last night, She decided to wait for you to wake up so she can help you with some paperwork about adoption or something like that."

Shirou: 'Adoption? I mean, I don't know one person here except these guys. Would it be that bad?'

Author POV

Mako and her brother leaves for school while you stay home. Mako's mom helps you with the paperwork for adoption. 

A few hours later...

POV: Shirou

Mako and her brother comes back from school and I happily greet them. 

Shirou: Mako! Great news! Turns out that I've been adopted by you guys! I can be with you all forever!

Mako: That's so cool Shirou! Maybe tomorrow, you can come to school with me! 

Shirou: Shouldn't I go to the school and get registered first? 

Mako: Oh yeah! Just ask my mom and she'll go with you. 

Author POV:

Shirou and Sukuyo go to the school and get Shirou registered into the system. He currently is a no star and is with the Mankanshoku family.

POV: Shirou

While I was taking the bus back with Mrs. Mankanshoku, I smiled a bit and thought to myself. 

Shirou: 'I have to make sure I do good here. I don't want this world to become of my world.'

When we got back to the house, Mrs. Mankanshoku made dinner and we all ate. After a hour or so, we all decided to go to bed. 

Shirou: 'I have a big day tomorrow. It's my first day of school!'

A good night's sleep later...

I jolt awake after hearing the alarm go off. I see Mako also waking up as fast as me and she starts screaming.

Mako: "We're gonna be late! We're gonna be la-"

Shirou: "Mako, it's fine. We have a hour left before we go."

Mako: "Oh. Okay let's get ready fast so we can get to school early!" 

I nod in agreement and start getting ready. I put on my uniform and start eating breakfast. 

*finishes food*

Shirou: "Thank you Mrs. Mankanshoku!"

Sukuyo: "No problem! Have a good day at school!"

Me, Mako and Mataro all take the bus together to the school. Once I get there, I look up and see the massive school. It was really a sight to behold.

I walk into the school and wait outside my classroom door. 

Shirou: 'So I have to wait outside for my teacher to let me in? that's kinda strange.'

After a minute, A man with messy blue hair and glasses opens the door and talks to me.

???: "Hello! You must be the new student. My name is Mr. Mikisugi and I will be your homeroom teacher."

Shirou: "Oh, hello Mr. Mikisugi." 

Mr. Mikisugi lets me in the class and he begins to introduce me. 

Mr. Mikisugi: "Everyone! This is the new student, Shirou Emiya! Please be kind to him."

I hear a girl suddenly call my name. I turn to the noise and I see Mako jumping and calling to me.

Mako: "Hey Shirou! You can sit here! Here!"

She was pointing to a desk right beside her. Mr. Mikisugi starts talking to me.

Mr. Mikisugi: "You know her or something?"

Shirou: "Yeah, I live with her and her family."

Mr. Mikisugi: "Oh. Well you can go and sit next to her if you like."

I nod and go sit next to Mako as Mr. Mikisugi begins his lesson. I turn around and see Mako whipping out her lunch and immediately starts scarfing down on it. After a few seconds, she's finished and starts sleeping.

Shirou: 'What the! How is she already done?! And how did she fall asleep that fast!? Oh, whatever.'

Six boring hours later...

POV: Shirou

Me, Mako and Mataro start walking back home from school after getting off the bus. I put my head down and start to think.

Shirou: 'Wow that was sorta boring. Well that is how school usually is. Guess I'll just deal with it from now on.'

Mako turns to me and starts talking to me.

Mako: "That sure was a fun day right, Shirou?"

Shirou: "Yeah, It was pretty fun. Anyway, once we get back home, wanna do the homework together?"

Mako gets excited and starts yelling.

Mako: "Of course I would! I never had someone help me with the homework before!"

I chuckle a bit. Eventually, we get back to the house. We walk in and Mr. and Mrs. Mankanshoku 
greets us. 

Barazo and Sukuyo: "Welcome back!"

Shirou, Mako and Mataro: "Thank you!"

Mako and I sit down and start doing the homework. For me it was pretty easy but for Mako...

Mako: "Hey Shirou, what's the answer for #12?"

Shirou: "Oh that question? Here, let me help you with that."

Author POV

After a while, Shirou and Mako both got their homework done. Shirou saw Sukuyo making food in the kitchen and stepped in to help her. 

Shirou: "Hey Mrs. Mankanshoku. Do you need any help?"

Sukuyo: "Oh Hi Shirou! If you want to help me make more food then you are welcome to join in."

Shirou and Sukuyo spend a long time in the kitchen making great meals for the family to eat. After all the food is set on the table, they all dig in immediately.

Shirou POV:

Shirou: "I will never stop getting amazed by these croquettes! They're so good!"

Sukuyo: "Oh stop Shirou, you know you helped as well."

The whole family had a laugh and quickly finished their food. 

Shirou: "Thank you for the meal!"

Everyone else: "Thank you for the meal!"

They all got up and got ready to go to bed. But before that, Sukuyo talks to Shirou.

Sukuyo: "Oh Shirou, I made a bath for you. Go ahead."

Shirou: "Oh wow, thank you!"

I take off my clothes and I hop in the bath. I then start to think.

 Shirou: 'All of them seem really nice but there is something I need to tell them about. I need to tell them about my Magecraft."

I get out of the bath clean and ready. I put on my sleeping clothes and get in bed. I start to think a little before I drift away to sleep.

Shirou: 'Maybe it'll all go well. Tomorrow after school, I'll have to start practicing my magic again."


Author's Note: Thanks for reading the second chapter! I know this wasn't filled with much action but I assure you the next chapter will be very exciting. 

Also, I want to try and upload 1 or 2 chapters a day. I think if I keep a good pace going, I'll get comfortable with it soon enough.

I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter of Kill La Kill: Unlimited Blade Works.

Kill La Kill: Unlimited Blade Works (Shirou Emiya x Kill La Kill)Where stories live. Discover now