Chapter 3: The First Day

Start from the beginning

"Stay away from my Sasuke!" They said in unison. Did they have this rehearsed?

"Who?" I had no idea who they were taking about but they didn't hear me as they had already started a fight between themselves. Fighting who's Sasuke he is.

No one else came to talk to me which I didn't mind. They were looking and talking about me to each other but they were too scared to actually speak with me.

Iruka never made it back before the class ended so basically this was a total waste of time. On my way to the training grounds where I was supposed to meet the old man someone bumped into my side. Stopping I sensed a girl, I recognise her from the class but she wasn't one of the ones who 'talked' to me. "I... I'm s...s..sorry" she stuttered. I offered my hand to help her up as she fell on the ground after bumping into me.

"It's alright." She accepted my hand and I pulled her up.

" name H.. Hinata Hyunga." So she's from the Hyunga clan.

"Akako Akiyama."

"Ni..nice to meet"

"You don't need to be shy around me, I won't judge, and it's nice to meet you too."

"I'm s..sorry Akako but I need go, t...thank you for h...helping me u..up."

"You’re welcome, see you tomorrow."

"Goodbye, Akako."

Going our separate ways I continued on till I came to the training grounds. I could feel the old man’s chakra near but was surrounded by a few others, I recognised one other Kakashi .There was a rather big man beside the old man, and next to big man was another man and a woman all their chakra strength was around the same. Now I just need to find out their style in fighting. When the old man seen me out of the corner of his eye, he called out to me. "Ah, Akako, how did your first day go?" The rest turned surprised that they didn't sense me coming except for Kakashi who was happily reading his book.


"Come on now, did you make any new friends?"

"I see no reason in why you ask when you already know the answer."

"What do you mean child?"

"You've had an anbu reporting to you every hour or so after they had been following me?"

"Yes, well, let’s get on with this shall we?" I nodded. "You know Kakashi so this here is Ibiki," he told me indicating to the large man beside him. "This one is Asuma and last but not least is Kurenai." I gave a small nod in greeting.

"We're fighting a kid!" asked Ibiki.

"I wouldn't underestimate her if I was you." Kakashi speaks up.

"What could that kid do to me?"

"Why don't you ask Gai?"

"Why would I ask him, where is he anyway."

"He's currently at the hospital being treated for concussion."

"How did the idiot injure himself now?" Kakashi simply looked in my direction. Before Ibiki could say anymore the old man interrupted him.

"I think Ibiki should fight her and let us learn what she can do."

After a little protest from Ibiki we ended up facing each other in the middle of the clearing, the others stood at the edges. "You might want to put your stick down girly."

"I would rather not."

"You think you could harm me with a stick."

"I don't think I can."

"SEE! She doesn't even think..." I caught him off guard and hit him over the head with my staff and he fell face first into the ground. I landed next to him.

"I know I can." He reached out to grab me but I jumped back into my original spot before he could. I could hear the others laughing at him, even the old man.

"Your quick, I will give you that but it will take more than speed to beat me."


"God kid you’re really getting on my last nerves." He grumbled as he stood up. I decided to play with him for a while.

"Kakashi catch." I through my staff over to him, he caught it with ease. “I won't need that for this." Disappearing into the air I watched as Ibiki carefully looked around for any sign of me. Of course he wouldn't be able to find me since I basically became a part of the air itself, it’s part of my kekkei genkai.

Taking advantage of the time I have before I really start messing with him I examined him more closely. He was wearing a bandana thing on his head,  his face had two scars running down and wore a basic trench cloak. I would have gone into more detail but it seems Ibiki has gotten tired of waiting.

"Gone into hiding have ya?"

"Why would I do that?" I made my voice come out right next to his ear. He spun around looking for me. I noticed Kakashi had put his book away and had his other eye showing. He has the sharigan, I can tell by the chakra surrounding the eye it isn't there from birth. Asuma and Kurenai were asking Kakashi if he could see me but he just shook his head.

Focusing back on Ibiki I sensed he was getting angry. Making my voice come out again I whispered "looking for me." I kept repeating the process saying things like "over here, too slow, turn around, look up" and so on. By now he was spinning around frantically. Appearing next to Kakashi I grabbed my staff that was leaning against the tree right next to him then disappeared again. Not like they noticed since they were too busy looking for me by Ibiki rather than around themselves. When I appeared next to the old man he noticed me straight away but kept his eyes in the direction on Ibiki.

"Hold this." Handing him my staff and he took it gladly. The others still hadn't noticed. Finally appearing in front of Ibiki I kicked him in the stomach making him go flying across the clearing and into a tree which fell over through the impact. "You should have listened to Kakashi." I said to him as he groaned as he sat up.

"I'll have my staff back now." Kakashi turned to pick it up but noticed it was missing and froze.

"Don't worry Kakashi she gave it to me a minute ago, while you were all watching Ibiki." The old man said.

"Thanks." Taking the staff out of his hands, I used the staff to keep myself up right since keeping my kekkei genkai going for so long takes a lot out of you. They all looked at me in shock. I shouldn't have used it so much, now I have to rely on my hearing and the vibrations from the ground to be able to 'see'.

"You’re good." Asuma stated.

"She's very good." Corrected Kurenai.

"I have to say kid you’re growing on me." Ibiki said from behind me. That surprised me as I expected him to be mad at me know. I noticed I was putting more and more wait on my staff and so did Ibiki. "You alright kid?"

"Just used too much energy, I will be fine."

"You mean chakra?" Asked Asuma.

"No I haven't used any chakra except a small amount on that kick."

"It felt like more than a small amount." Chuckled Ibiki.

"Then how did you do that disappearing act?" Asked Kurenai.

"Kekkei Genkai."

"But they use chakra." Said Kakashi.

"Mine doesn't."

"Child I think you need to rest." The old man said his voice filled with concern.

"I'll be fi...." I didn't get to finish my sentence before I blacked out.


A/N Please tell me what you think.... The updates will be a lot slower as school is starting back tomorrow so I will only be able to write when I get a chance .... Well.... 


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